The Last of the Mohicans

The Last of the Mohicans
Autor(i)James Fenimore Cooper
Žanr(ovi)historijski roman
IzdavačH.C. Carey & I. Lea
Datum izdanjafebruar 1826.
Vrsta medijaštampa (Tvrdi i meki uvez)
Stranica2 vol.
Prethodi: Slijedi:
The Pioneers (1823) The Prairie (1827)

Posljednji Mohikanac (The Last of the Mohicans) je povijesni roman američkog književnika Jamesa Fenimorea Coopera, prvi put objavljen u siječnju 1826. Bio je to jedan od najpopularnijih romana na engleskom jeziku svoga vremena.

Predstavlja drugi po redu u seriji romana Kožna čarapa, a radnja mu je smještena u Sjevernu Ameriku godine 1757. kada su se Velika Britanija i Francuska za vrijeme sedmogodišnjeg rata borile za dominaciju nad kontinentom, pri čemu su Francuzi često kao saveznike koristili indijanska plemena, često s tragičnim rezultatima.

Zahvaljujući popularnosti romana, fraza Posljednji Mohikanac je ušla kao izraz u mnoge jezike, uključujući srpskohrvatski. Sam roman je mlađim generacijama najpoznatiji po raskošnoj holivudskoj ekranizaciji u režiji Michaela Manna iz 1992.


  • Oberg, Michael Leroy, Uncas, First of the Mohegans, 2003, ISBN 0-8014-3877-2
  • L'ultimo dei Mohicani
  • Urdang, Laurence. The Random House Dictionary of the English Language. 1969. Library of Congress 68-19699.

Eksterni linkovi

The Last of the Mohicans na Wikimedijinoj ostavi
  • Besplatna e-knjiga: The Last of the Mohicans na Projektu Gutenberg
  • The Last of the Mohicans at
  • The Last of the Mohicans Arhivirano 2012-06-16 na Wayback Machine-u at American Literature Arhivirano 2012-06-16 na Wayback Machine-u
  • 1971 BBC adaptation na sajtu IMDb
  • Lake George Historical Association
  • Fort William Henry Museum
  • Fort William Henry: The Siege & Massacre
  • The Mahican Channel: Forts, Tales, & Legends (information on Fort Edward and Jane McCrea)
  • Old Fort Edward Arhivirano 2024-07-26 na Wayback Machine-u driving tour directions
  • 'RaiFiction' Arhivirano 2010-03-05 na Wayback Machine-u
  • 'Mondo Tv presentazione' Arhivirano 2011-10-04 na Wayback Machine-u
  • p
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Djela čiji je autor James Fenimore Cooper
Romani o Kožnoj čarapi
  • The Deerslayer
  • The Last of the Mohicans
  • The Pathfinder, or The Inland Sea
  • The Pioneers
  • The Prairie
Ostali romani
  • Afloat and Ashore
  • Autobiography of a Pocket-Handkerchief
  • The Bravo
  • The Chainbearer
  • The Crater
  • The Headsman: The Abbaye des Vignerons
  • The Heidenmauer
  • Home as Found: Sequel to Homeward Bound
  • Jack Tier, or the Florida Reef
  • Lionel Lincoln
  • Mercedes of Castile
  • Miles Wallingford
  • The Monikins
  • The Oak Openings
  • The Pilot: A Tale of the Sea
  • Precaution
  • The Red Rover
  • The Redskins
  • Satanstoe
  • The Sea Lions
  • The Spy: A Tale of the Neutral Ground
  • The Two Admirals
  • The Water-Witch
  • The Ways of the Hour
  • The Wept of Wish-ton-Wish
  • The Wing-and-Wing
  • Wyandotte
Novele i drame
  • Tales for Fifteen
  • No Steamboats
  • Upside Down
  • The Lake Gun
  • The Chronicles of Cooperstown
  • The Eclipse
  • The History of the Navy of the United States of America
  • Lives of Distinguished American Naval Officers
  • Ned Myers
  • New York: or The Towns of Manhattan
  • Notions of the Americans
  • Old Ironsides
  • Proceedings of the Naval Court-Martial in the Case of Alexander Slidell Mackenzie, &c.
Politički spisi
  • Letter to General Lafayette
  • A Letter to His Countrymen
  • The American Democrat
Gleanings in Europe: Switzerland
  • Gleanings in Europe: The Rhine
  • A Residence in France
  • Gleanings in Europe: France
  • Gleanings in Europe: England
  • Gleanings in Europe: Italy
Normativna kontrola Uredi na Wikidati
  • WorldCat identiteti
  • VIAF: 183066771
  • LCCN: n80036249
  • GND: 4306204-0
  • SUDOC: 073645044
  • BNF: cb12351891k (podaci)
  • NLA: 35030978
  • BNE: XX2176313