
Klasifikacija i eksterni resursi
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Prosopagnozija ili prozopagnozija (od grčkih riječi "prosopon" = "lice", "agnosia" = "ne poznavati") je poremećaj percepcije ljudskog lica. Kod ljudi koji imaju ovaj poremećaj, sposobnost prepoznavanja drugih predmeta je relativno nepromenjena. Smatra se da oko 2,5% ljudi boluje od prosopagnozije.


  • Bruce, V. and Young, A. (2000) In the Eye of the Beholder: The Science of Face Perception. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-852439-0
  • Cante, Richard C. (March 2008). „The Gay Visage (and Related Forms of Thought)”. Gay Men and the Forms of Contemporary US Culture. London: Ashgate Publishing. ISBN 0 7546 7230 1. 
  • Farah, M.J. (1990) Visual agnosia: Disorders of object recognition and what they tell us about normal vision. MIT: MIT Press. ISBN 0-262-06238-0
  • „About face”. Economist. December 2004. Arhivirano iz originala na datum 2011-09-29. Pristupljeno 2012-02-25. 
  • „Your mother's smile”. Economist. October 2006. Arhivirano iz originala na datum 2011-09-29. Pristupljeno 2012-02-25. »Evidence mounts that making, and perhaps recognising, expressions is inherited.« 
  • Abedin, Shahreen (February 2007). „Face blindness not just skin deep”. 
  • Oliver Sacks (30. 8. 2010.). „Face-Blind: Why are some of us terrible at recognizing faces?”. The New Yorker: str. 36. 

Eksterni linkovi

  • Further information on Prosopagnosia, from Dr Sarah Bate, University of Exeter.
  • Additional information on face blindness, from Harvard University and University College London.
  • Detailed information on temporal lobe impairment, the site of the source of face-blindness
  • The Sunday Times: Identity crisis Article published 17 December 2006
  • New Scientist: Face blindness runs in families
  • Face Recognition Tests Arhivirano 2006-06-20 na Wayback Machine-u - online tests for self-assessment of face recognition abilities.
  • What’s in a face? - transcript of a show from ABC Radio National's All in the Mind program from February 2006
  • Do I Know You? Arhivirano 2008-01-20 na Wayback Machine-u - Time magazine article published July 2006
  • Information in several languages[mrtav link]
  • "Face Blind"[mrtav link] - Wired article
  • Prosopagnosia information at Wikiversity.
  • Congenital Prosopagnosia-Visual Perception Lab Arhivirano 2011-06-29 na Wayback Machine-u, ,Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel.
  • Face Blind!, Bill Choisser, 2002.
  • The Guardian: I don't recognise my own face Article published 22 November 2008
  •, a website devoted to prosopagnosia, assembled by Cecilia Burman, who has the condition.
  • Yonas Perception Lab Website Arhivirano 2012-03-07 na Wayback Machine-u