David Baulcombe

David Baulcombe
David Baulcombe
Conhecido(a) por SiRNA
Nascimento 4 de julho de 1952 (72 anos)
Nacionalidade Britânico
Alma mater Universidade de Leeds, Universidade de Edimburgo
Prêmios Prêmio Wiley de Ciências Biomédicas (2003), Prêmio Massry (2005), Medalha Real (2006), Medalha Benjamin Franklin (2008), Prêmio Albert Lasker de Pesquisa Médica Básica (2008), Prêmio Harvey (2009), Prêmio Balzan (2012), Prêmio Gruber de Genética (2014)
Instituições Sainsbury Laboratory, Universidade de East Anglia, Universidade de Cambridge
Campo(s) Genética

David Charles Baulcombe, FRS (Solihull, 4 de julho de 1952) é um geneticista britânico.

Foi eleito em 2001 membro da Royal Society.[1]


  • Hamilton, A; Voinnet, O; Chappell, L; Baulcombe, D (setembro de 2002). «Two classes of short interfering RNA in RNA silencing». The EMBO journal. 21 (17): 4671–9. ISSN 0261-4189. PMC 125409Acessível livremente. PMID 12198169. doi:10.1093/emboj/cdf464 
  • Papaefthimiou, I; Hamilton, A; Denti, M; Baulcombe, D; Tsagris, M; Tabler, M (junho de 2001). «Replicating potato spindle tuber viroid RNA is accompanied by short RNA fragments that are characteristic of post-transcriptional gene silencing» (Free full text). Nucleic acids research. 29 (11): 2395–400. ISSN 0305-1048. PMC 55696Acessível livremente. PMID 11376158. doi:10.1093/nar/29.11.2395 
  • Dalmay, T; Hamilton, A; Rudd, S; Angell, S; Baulcombe, DC (maio de 2000). «An RNA-dependent RNA polymerase gene in Arabidopsis is required for posttranscriptional gene silencing mediated by a transgene but not by a virus». Cell. 101 (5): 543–53. ISSN 0092-8674. PMID 10850496. doi:10.1016/S0092-8674(00)80864-8 
  • Burton, RA; Gibeaut, DM; Bacic, A; Findlay, K; Roberts, K; Hamilton, A; Baulcombe, DC; Fincher, GB (maio de 2000). «Virus-induced silencing of a plant cellulose synthase gene» (Free full text). The Plant cell. 12 (5): 691–706. ISSN 1040-4651. PMC 139921Acessível livremente. PMID 10810144. doi:10.1105/tpc.12.5.691 
  • Dalmay, T; Hamilton, A; Mueller, E; Baulcombe, DC (março de 2000). «Potato virus X amplicons in arabidopsis mediate genetic and epigenetic gene silencing» (Free full text). The Plant cell. 12 (3): 369–79. ISSN 1040-4651. PMC 139837Acessível livremente. PMID 10715323. doi:10.1105/tpc.12.3.369 
  • Jones, L; Hamilton, AJ; Voinnet, O; Thomas, CL; Maule, AJ; Baulcombe, DC (dezembro de 1999). «RNA-DNA interactions and DNA methylation in post-transcriptional gene silencing» (Free full text). The Plant cell. 11 (12): 2291–301. ISSN 1040-4651. PMC 144133Acessível livremente. PMID 10590159. doi:10.1105/tpc.11.12.2291 
  • Hamilton, A. J.; Baulcombe, DC (1999). «A Species of Small Antisense RNA in Posttranscriptional Gene Silencing in Plants». Science. 286 (5441). 950 páginas. PMID 10542148. doi:10.1126/science.286.5441.950 
  • Hamilton, WD; Boccara, M.; Robinson, D. J.; Baulcombe, D. C. (outubro de 1987). «The complete nucleotide sequence of tobacco rattle virus RNA-1» (Free full text). The Journal of general virology. 68 ( Pt 10): 2563–75. ISSN 0022-1317. PMID 3668507. doi:10.1099/0022-1317-68-10-2563 [ligação inativa]
  • Boccara, M; Hamilton, WD; Baulcombe, DC (fevereiro de 1986). «The organisation and interviral homologies of genes at the 3' end of tobacco rattle virus RNA1» (Free full text). The EMBO journal. 5 (2): 223–229. ISSN 0261-4189. PMC 1166722Acessível livremente. PMID 16453668 


  1. Baulcombe, David Charles

Ligações externas

  • Interview with Professor Baulcombe from in-cites website
  • Biography from the American Phytopathological Society 2002 Awards (p.4)

Precedido por
Michael Pepper, Anthony Pawson e Michael Fisher
Medalha Real
com Richard Timothy Hunt e John Pendry
Sucedido por
Tomas Lindahl, Cyril Hilsum e James Feast

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2001: Richard Lavenham Gardner, Gabriel Horn e Samuel Edwards  • 2002: Richard Peto, Suzanne Cory e Ray Freeman  • 2003: John Skehel, Kenneth Langstreth Johnson e Nicholas Shackleton  • 2004: James Black, Alec Jeffreys e Jack Lewis  • 2005: Michael Pepper, Anthony Pawson e Michael Fisher  • 2006: David Baulcombe, Richard Timothy Hunt e John Pendry  • 2007: Tomas Lindahl, Cyril Hilsum e James Feast  • 2008: Robert Hedges, Philip Cohen e Alan Fersht  • 2009: Chintamani Rao, Ronald Laskey e Chris Dobson  • 2010: Peter Knight, Azim Surani e Allen Hill  • 2011: Steven Ley, Robin Holliday e Gregory Winter  • 2012: Tom Kibble, Kenneth Murray e Andrew Bruce Holmes  • 2013: Rodney Baxter, Walter Bodmer e Peter Neil Temple Wells  • 2014: Terence Tao, Anthony Rex Hunter e Howard Morris  • 2015: Jocelyn Bell Burnell, Elizabeth Blackburn e Christopher Llewellyn Smith  • 2016: John Meurig Thomas, Elizabeth Robertson e John Goodby  • 2017: Paul Corkum, Peter Raymond Grant, Barbara Rosemary Grant e Melvyn Greaves  • 2018: Robert Stephen John Sparks, Lewis Wolpert, Shankar Balasubramanian e David Klenerman  • 2019: Carol Robinson, Michel Goedert e Ann Dowling  • 2020: Herbert Huppert, Caroline Dean e Ian Shanks  • 2021: Colin Humphreys, Dennis Lo e Michael Green
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Não houve a premiação devido à pandemia de COVID-19
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1978: George Frederick Sprague, John Charles Walker · 1979: Jay Laurence Lush, Kenneth Blaxter · 1980: Karl Maramorosch · 1981: John O. Almquist, Henry A. Lardy, Glenn W. Salisbury · 1982: Wendell Lee Roelofs · 1983/4: Don Kirkham, Cornellis T. de Witt · 1984/5: Robert H. Burris · 1986: Ralph Riley, Ernest R. Sears · 1987: Theodor Otto Diener · 1988: Charles Thibault, Christopher Polge · 1989: Peter M. Biggs, Michael Elliott · 1990: Jozef Schell · 1991: Shang Fa Yang · 1993: John Edward Casida · 1994/5: Carl Barton Huffaker, Perry L. Adkisson · 1995/6: Morris Schnitzer, Frank J. Stevenson · 1996/7: Neal Lloyd First · 1998: Ilan Chet, Baldur Rosmund Stefansson · 2000: Gurdev Khush · 2001: Roger Neil Beachy, James E. Womack · 2002/3: R. Michael Roberts, Fuller W. Bazer · 2004: Yuan Longping, Steven Dale Tanksley · 2006/7: Ronald L. Phillips, Michel Georges · 2008: John Anthony Pickett, James H. Tumlinson, W. Joe Lewis · 2010: David Baulcombe · 2011: Harris A. Lewin, James R. Cook · 2013: Joachim Messing, Jared Diamond · 2014: Jorge Dubcovsky, Leif Andersson · 2015: Linda Saif · 2016: Trudy Mackay · 2018: Gene Ezia Robinson · 2019: David Zilberman · 2020: Caroline Dean

Prêmio Wolf de Artes • Prêmio Wolf de Física • Prêmio Wolf de Matemática • Prêmio Wolf de Medicina • Prêmio Wolf de Química
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1961: Fundação Nobel 1962: Andrei Kolmogorov, Karl von Frisch, Papa João XXIII, Paul Hindemith e Samuel Eliot Morison 1978: Madre Teresa de Calcutá 1979: Ernest Labrousse, Jean Piaget e Torbjörn Caspersson 1980: Enrico Bombieri, Hassan Fathy e Jorge Luis Borges 1981: Dan McKenzie, Frederick Vine, Josef Pieper e Paul Reuter 1982: Jean-Baptiste Duroselle, Kenneth Vivian Thimann e Massimo Pallottino • 1983: Edward Shils, Ernst Mayr e Francesco Gabrieli • 1984: Jan Hendrik Oort, Jean Starobinski e Sewall Wright 1985: Ernst Gombrich e Jean-Pierre Serre 1986: Hoher Flüchtlingskommissar der Vereinten Nationen, Jean Rivero, Otto Neugebauer e Roger Revelle 1987: Jerome Bruner, Phillip Tobias e Richard W. Southern • 1988: Michael Evenari, René Etiemble e Shmuel N. Eisenstadt • 1989: Emmanuel Levinas, Leo Pardi e Martin Rees 1990: James Freeman Gilbert, Pierre Lalive d'Epinay e Walter Burkert 1991: Abbé Pierre, György Ligeti, John Maynard Smith e Vitorino Magalhães Godinho 1992: Armand Borel, Ebrahim M. Samba e Giovanni Macchia • 1993: Jean Leclant, Lothar Gall e Wolfgang H. Berger • 1994: Fred Hoyle, Martin Schwarzschild, Norberto Bobbio e René Couteaux • 1995: Alan J. Heeger, Carlo Maria Cipolla e Yves Bonnefoy 1996: Arno Borst, Arnt Eliassen, Internationales Komitee vom Roten Kreuz e Stanley Hoffmann 1997: Charles Gillispie, Stanley Jeyaraja Tambiah e Thomas Wilson Meade • 1998: Andrzej Walicki, Harmon Craig e Robert May 1999: John Huxtable Elliott, Luigi Luca Cavalli-Sforza, Mikhael Gromov e Paul Ricœur 2000: Abdul Sattar Edhi, Ilkka Hanski, Martin Litchfield West, Michael Stolleis e Michel Mayor 2001: Claude Lorius, James Sloss Ackerman, Jean-Pierre Changeux e Marc Fumaroli 2002: Anthony Grafton, Dominique Schnapper, Walter Gehring e Xavier Le Pichon 2003: Eric Hobsbawm, Reinhard Genzel, Serge Moscovici e Wen-Hsiung Li • 2004: Colin Renfrew, Gemeinschaft Sant’Egidio, Michael Marmot, Nikki R. Keddie e Pierre Deligne 2005: Lothar Ledderose, Peter Hall, Peter R. Grant, Rosemary Grant, Russel J. Hemley e Ho-kwang Mao • 2006: Ludwig Finscher, Quentin Skinner, Paolo de Bernardis, Andrew E. Lange, Elliot Meyerowitz e Christopher R. Somerville • 2007: Rosalyn Higgins, Sumio Iijima, Michel Zink, Jules Hoffmann e Karlheinz Böhm 2008: Maurizio Calvesi, Thomas Nagel, Ian H. Frazer e Wallace S. Broecker 2009: Terence Cave, Michael Grätzel, Brenda Milner e Paolo Rossi Monti • 2010: Manfred Brauneck, Carlo Ginzburg, Jacob Palis e Shinya Yamanaka 2011: Peter Brown, Bronisław Baczko, Russell Lande e Joseph Silk 2012: Ronald Dworkin, Reinhard Strohm, Kurt Lambeck e David Baulcombe • 2013: Alain Aspect, Manuel Castells, Pascale Cossart e André Vauchez • 2014: Mario Torelli, Ian Hacking, David Tilman, Dennis Sullivan e Vivre en Famille • 2015: Hans Belting, Joel Mokyr, Francis Halzen e David Karl • 2016: Piero Boitani, Reinhard Jahn e Federico Capasso

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