
Smith, 1857
Robotnica Polyrhachis dives


























Typ nomenklatoryczny

Formica bihamata Drury, 1773

  • Cephalomyrma Karavaiev, 1935
  • Dolichorhachis Mann, 1919
  • Evelyna Donisthorpe, 1937
  • Florencea Donisthorpe, 1937
  • Irenea Donisthorpe, 1938
  • Johnia Karavaiev, 1927
  • Morleyidris Donisthorpe, 1944
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Polyrhachis – rodzaj mrówek z podrodziny Formicinae.

Mrówki o ciele długości od 5 do 12 mm. Ich głowa jest wyposażona w długie czułki, u robotnic pozbawiona przyoczek. Najczęściej tułów i pomostek lub jedno z nich uzbrojone są w kolce. Gruczoły metapleuralne nie występują. Gaster ma pierwszy segment zajmujący co najmniej jego połowę i pierwszy tergit znacznie większy od drugiego. Brak w tym rodzaju wyraźnie zaznaczonego polimorfizmu[2].

Wiele gatunków jest nadrzewnych. Liczne używają do budowy gniazd jedwabiu wytwarzanego przez larwy[2].

Należy tu ponad 700 opisanych gatunków, w tym[3]:

  • Polyrhachis abnormis Donisthorpe, 1948
  • Polyrhachis abrupta Mayr, 1867
  • Polyrhachis aculeata Mayr, 1879
  • Polyrhachis aedipus Forel, 1893
  • Polyrhachis aenescens Stitz, 1910
  • Polyrhachis aerope Wheeler, 1922
  • Polyrhachis agesilas Forel, 1913
  • Polyrhachis albertisi Emery, 1887
  • Polyrhachis alexandri Karavaiev, 1906
  • Polyrhachis alexisi Forel, 1916
  • Polyrhachis alluaudi Emery, 1892
  • Polyrhachis alphea Smith, 1863
  • Polyrhachis alphena Smith, 1860
  • Polyrhachis amana Smith, 1861
  • Polyrhachis ammon Fabricius, 1775
  • Polyrhachis ammonoeides Roger, 1863
  • Polyrhachis andrei Emery, 1921
  • Polyrhachis andromache Roger, 1863
  • Polyrhachis angusta Forel, 1902
  • Polyrhachis annae Mann, 1919
  • Polyrhachis antennata Viehmeyer, 1912
  • Polyrhachis antoniae Stitz, 1911
  • Polyrhachis appendiculata Emery, 1893
  • Polyrhachis arachne Emery, 1896
  • Polyrhachis arcuata Le Guillou, 1842
  • Polyrhachis argenteosignata Emery, 1900
  • Polyrhachis argentosa Forel, 1902
  • Polyrhachis armata Le Guillou, 1842
  • Polyrhachis arnoldi Forel, 1914
  • Polyrhachis asomaningi Bolton, 1973
  • Polyrhachis aspasia Forel, 1911
  • Polyrhachis atossa Forel, 1913
  • Polyrhachis atropos Smith, 1860
  • Polyrhachis atrovirens Emery, 1900
  • Polyrhachis aurea Mayr, 1876
  • Polyrhachis aureovestita Donisthorpe, 1937
  • Polyrhachis auriformis Donisthorpe, 1943
  • Polyrhachis aurita Emery, 1911
  • Polyrhachis australis Mayr, 1870
  • Polyrhachis bakeri Viehmeyer, 1916
  • Polyrhachis bamaga Kohout, 1990
  • Polyrhachis banghaasi Viehmeyer, 1922
  • Polyrhachis barretti Clark, 1928
  • Polyrhachis basirufa Emery, 1900
  • Polyrhachis batesi Forel, 1911
  • Polyrhachis beauforti Emery, 1911
  • Polyrhachis beccarii Mayr, 1872
  • Polyrhachis bedoti Forel, 1902
  • Polyrhachis bellicosa Smith, 1859
  • Polyrhachis bicolor Smith, 1858
  • Polyrhachis bihamata Drury, 1773
  • Polyrhachis binghamii Forel, 1893
  • Polyrhachis biroi Forel, 1907
  • Polyrhachis bouvieri Santschi, 1928
  • Polyrhachis braxa Bolton, 1973
  • Polyrhachis bubala Stitz, 1925
  • Polyrhachis bubastes Smith, 1863
  • Polyrhachis bugnioni Forel, 1908
  • Polyrhachis burmanensis Donisthorpe, 1938
  • Polyrhachis caeciliae Forel, 1912
  • Polyrhachis calliope Emery, 1900
  • Polyrhachis calypso Forel, 1911
  • Polyrhachis carbonaria Smith, 1857
  • Polyrhachis carinata Fabricius, 1804
  • Polyrhachis castaneiventris Smith, 1858
  • Polyrhachis caulomma Viehmeyer, 1914
  • Polyrhachis cedarensis Forel, 1915
  • Polyrhachis cephalotes Emery, 1893
  • Polyrhachis ceramensis Mayr, 1883
  • Polyrhachis chalybea Smith, 1857
  • Polyrhachis charaxa Smith, 1860
  • Polyrhachis chartifex Emery, 1900
  • Polyrhachis cheesmanae Donisthorpe, 1937
  • Polyrhachis cingula Donisthorpe, 1947
  • Polyrhachis clarkei Donisthorpe, 1949
  • Polyrhachis cleopatra Forel, 1902
  • Polyrhachis cleophanes Smith, 1861
  • Polyrhachis clio Forel, 1902
  • Polyrhachis clotho Forel, 1902
  • Polyrhachis coerulescens Emery, 1897
  • Polyrhachis compressicornis Smith, 1860
  • Polyrhachis concava Andre, 1889
  • Polyrhachis conops Forel, 1901
  • Polyrhachis consimilis Smith, 1858
  • Polyrhachis constricta Emery, 1897
  • Polyrhachis constructor Smith, 1857
  • Polyrhachis contemta Mayr, 1876
  • Polyrhachis continua Emery, 1887
  • Polyrhachis convexa Roger, 1863
  • Polyrhachis cornuta Stitz, 1910
  • Polyrhachis coronata Santschi, 1928
  • Polyrhachis craddocki Bingham, 1903
  • Polyrhachis crassispinosa Viehmeyer, 1914
  • Polyrhachis crawleyi Forel, 1916
  • Polyrhachis creusa Emery, 1897
  • Polyrhachis croceiventris Emery, 1900
  • Polyrhachis cryptoceroides Emery, 1887
  • Polyrhachis cubaensis Mayr, 1862
  • Polyrhachis cupreata Emery, 1895
  • Polyrhachis curta Emery, 1890
  • Polyrhachis cyaniventris Smith, 1858
  • Polyrhachis cyrtomyrmoides Donisthorpe, 1947
  • Polyrhachis cyrus Forel, 1901
  • Polyrhachis daemeli Mayr, 1876
  • Polyrhachis dahlii Forel, 1901
  • Polyrhachis daphne Wheeler, 1919
  • Polyrhachis davydovi Karavaiev, 1927
  • Polyrhachis debilis Emery, 1887
  • Polyrhachis decellei Bolton, 1973
  • Polyrhachis decemdentata Andre, 1889
  • Polyrhachis delicata Crawley, 1915
  • Polyrhachis demangei Santschi, 1910
  • Polyrhachis dentata Donisthorpe, 1947
  • Polyrhachis denticulata Karavaiev, 1927
  • Polyrhachis derecyna Smith, 1871
  • Polyrhachis diana Wheeler, 1909
  • Polyrhachis diaphanta Smith, 1861
  • Polyrhachis diotima Forel, 1911
  • Polyrhachis distincta Karavaiev, 1927
  • Polyrhachis dives Smith, 1857
  • Polyrhachis doddi Donisthorpe, 1938
  • Polyrhachis dohrni Forel, 1901
  • Polyrhachis dolichocephala Viehmeyer, 1914
  • Polyrhachis dolomedes Smith, 1863
  • Polyrhachis dorsorugosa Forel, 1913
  • Polyrhachis durbanensis Forel, 1914
  • Polyrhachis durvillei Donisthorpe, 1938
  • Polyrhachis edwardi Donisthorpe, 1948
  • Polyrhachis elii Emery, 1900
  • Polyrhachis emeryana Mann, 1919
  • Polyrhachis emmae Santschi, 1920
  • Polyrhachis equina Smith, 1857
  • Polyrhachis erato Forel, 1902
  • Polyrhachis eremita Kohout, 1990
  • Polyrhachis erosispina Emery, 1900
  • Polyrhachis esarata Bolton, 1973
  • Polyrhachis escherichi Viehmeyer, 1914
  • Polyrhachis etheli Chapman, 1963
  • Polyrhachis eudora Smith, 1860
  • Polyrhachis euryala Smith, 1863
  • Polyrhachis eurynota Emery, 1897
  • Polyrhachis euterpe Forel, 1902
  • Polyrhachis exarata Emery, 1887
  • Polyrhachis excellens Viehmeyer, 1912
  • Polyrhachis excisa Mayr, 1867
  • Polyrhachis exercita Walker, 1859
  • Polyrhachis exotica Kohout, 1987
  • Polyrhachis femorata Smith, 1858
  • Polyrhachis fervens Smith, 1860
  • Polyrhachis fissa Mayr, 1902
  • Polyrhachis flavibasis Clark, 1930
  • Polyrhachis flavicornis Smith, 1857
  • Polyrhachis flavoflagellata Karavaiev, 1927
  • Polyrhachis follicula Menozzi, 1926
  • Polyrhachis foreli Kohout, 1989
  • Polyrhachis fornicata Emery, 1900
  • Polyrhachis fortis Emery, 1893
  • Polyrhachis frauenfeldi Mayr, 1862
  • Polyrhachis fruhstorferi Emery, 1898
  • Polyrhachis fulgens Viehmeyer, 1912
  • Polyrhachis furcata Smith, 1858
  • Polyrhachis furcula Emery, 1911
  • Polyrhachis fuscipes Mayr, 1862
  • Polyrhachis gab Forel, 1879
  • Polyrhachis gagates Smith, 1858
  • Polyrhachis gamaii Santschi, 1917
  • Polyrhachis geminata Mann, 1919
  • Polyrhachis geometrica Smith, 1859
  • Polyrhachis gestroi Emery, 1900
  • Polyrhachis gibba Emery, 1901
  • Polyrhachis glabrinota Clark, 1930
  • Polyrhachis glykera Forel, 1912
  • Polyrhachis gracilior Forel, 1893
  • Polyrhachis grandis Donisthorpe, 1949
  • Polyrhachis gravis Clark, 1930
  • Polyrhachis greensladei Kohout, 1990
  • Polyrhachis gribodoi Emery, 1887
  • Polyrhachis guerini Roger, 1863
  • Polyrhachis halidayi Emery, 1889
  • Polyrhachis hastata Latreille, 1802
  • Polyrhachis hauxwelli Bingham, 1903
  • Polyrhachis hector Smith, 1857
  • Polyrhachis heinlethii Forel, 1895
  • Polyrhachis hemiopticoides Mukerjee, 1930
  • Polyrhachis hera Forel, 1911
  • Polyrhachis hermione Emery, 1895
  • Polyrhachis hexacantha Erichson, 1842
  • Polyrhachis hippomanes Smith, 1861
  • Polyrhachis hirsuta Mayr, 1876
  • Polyrhachis hirta Viehmeyer, 1914
  • Polyrhachis hodgsoni Forel, 1902
  • Polyrhachis hookeri Lowne, 1865
  • Polyrhachis horacei Hung, 1967
  • Polyrhachis horni Emery, 1901
  • Polyrhachis hostilis Smith, 1859
  • Polyrhachis hungi Bolton, 1974
  • Polyrhachis ignota Kohout, 1987
  • Polyrhachis illaudata Walker, 1859
  • Polyrhachis inclusa Viehmeyer, 1912
  • Polyrhachis inconspicua Emery, 1887
  • Polyrhachis indificans Jerdon, 1851
  • Polyrhachis inermis Smith, 1858
  • Polyrhachis insularis Emery, 1887
  • Polyrhachis inusitata Kohout, 1989
  • Polyrhachis io Forel, 1915
  • Polyrhachis isacantha Emery, 1887
  • Polyrhachis ithona Smith, 1860
  • Polyrhachis jacksoniana Roger, 1863
  • Polyrhachis jacobsoni Forel, 1909
  • Polyrhachis jerdonii Forel, 1892
  • Polyrhachis jianghuaensis Wang & Wu, 1991
  • Polyrhachis jurii Karavaiev, 1935
  • Polyrhachis kaipi Mann, 1919
  • Polyrhachis karawaiewi Santschi, 1928
  • Polyrhachis keratifera Karavaiev, 1927
  • Polyrhachis khepra Bolton, 1973
  • Polyrhachis labella Smith, 1860
  • Polyrhachis laboriosa Smith, 1858
  • Polyrhachis lachesis Forel, 1897
  • Polyrhachis laciniata Emery, 1900
  • Polyrhachis lacteipennis Smith, 1858
  • Polyrhachis laevigata Smith, 1857
  • Polyrhachis laevissima Smith, 1858
  • Polyrhachis lama Kohout, 1994
  • Polyrhachis lamellidens Smith, 1874
  • Polyrhachis laminata Mayr, 1867
  • Polyrhachis lanuginosa Santschi, 1910
  • Polyrhachis lata Emery, 1895
  • Polyrhachis latharis Bolton, 1973
  • Polyrhachis latinota Viehmeyer, 1912
  • Polyrhachis latispina Emery, 1925
  • Polyrhachis latona Wheeler, 1909
  • Polyrhachis latreillei Guérin-Méneville, 1838
  • Polyrhachis lauta Santschi, 1910
  • Polyrhachis leae Forel, 1913
  • Polyrhachis leonidas Forel, 1901
  • Polyrhachis leopoldi Santschi, 1932
  • Polyrhachis lestoni Bolton, 1973
  • Polyrhachis levior Roger, 1863
  • Polyrhachis lilianae Forel, 1911
  • Polyrhachis limbata Emery, 1897
  • Polyrhachis limitis Santschi, 1939
  • Polyrhachis linae Donisthorpe, 1938
  • Polyrhachis lombokensis Emery, 1898
  • Polyrhachis longipes Smith, 1859
  • Polyrhachis loriai Emery, 1897
  • Polyrhachis loweryi Kohout, 1990
  • Polyrhachis lownei Forel, 1895
  • Polyrhachis lucens Donisthorpe, 1947
  • Polyrhachis luctuosa Emery, 1921
  • Polyrhachis lugens Mayr, 1867
  • Polyrhachis lycidas Smith, 1861
  • Polyrhachis lydiae Forel, 1902
  • Polyrhachis machaon Santschi, 1920
  • Polyrhachis mackayi Donisthorpe, 1938
  • Polyrhachis macropa Wheeler, 1916
  • Polyrhachis maculata Forel, 1915
  • Polyrhachis magnifica Menozzi, 1926
  • Polyrhachis malaensis Mann, 1919
  • Polyrhachis marginata Smith, 1859
  • Polyrhachis medusa Forel, 1897
  • Polyrhachis melpomene Emery, 1897
  • Polyrhachis menelas Forel, 1904
  • Polyrhachis menozzii Karavaiev, 1927
  • Polyrhachis metella Smith, 1860
  • Polyrhachis micans Mayr, 1876
  • Polyrhachis militaris Fabricius, 1782
  • Polyrhachis mindanaensis Emery, 1923
  • Polyrhachis mitrata Menozzi, 1932
  • Polyrhachis mjobergi Forel, 1915
  • Polyrhachis modesta Smith, 1857
  • Polyrhachis moeschi Forel, 1912
  • Polyrhachis moesta Emery, 1887
  • Polyrhachis mondoi Donisthorpe, 1938
  • Polyrhachis monista Santschi, 1910
  • Polyrhachis montana Hung, 1970
  • Polyrhachis mucronata Smith, 1859
  • Polyrhachis muelleri Forel, 1893
  • Polyrhachis murina Emery, 1893
  • Polyrhachis mystica Karavaiev, 1927
  • Polyrhachis neptunus Smith, 1865
  • Polyrhachis nigra Mayr, 1862
  • Polyrhachis nigrescens Karavaiev, 1927
  • Polyrhachis nigriceps Smith, 1863
  • Polyrhachis nigrita Mayr, 1895
  • Polyrhachis nigropilosa Mayr, 1872
  • Polyrhachis nitens Donisthorpe, 1943
  • Polyrhachis nitida Smith, 1857
  • Polyrhachis nofra Bolton, 1975
  • Polyrhachis nudata Smith, 1860
  • Polyrhachis numeria Smith, 1861
  • Polyrhachis obscura Forel, 1895
  • Polyrhachis obtusa Emery, 1897
  • Polyrhachis ochracea Karavaiev, 1927
  • Polyrhachis oedacantha Wheeler, 1919
  • Polyrhachis olena Smith, 1861
  • Polyrhachis olybria Forel, 1912
  • Polyrhachis omyrmex Donisthorpe, 1938
  • Polyrhachis opalescens Clark, 1930
  • Polyrhachis ops Forel, 1907
  • Polyrhachis ornata Mayr, 1876
  • Polyrhachis orpheus Forel, 1911
  • Polyrhachis orsylla Smith, 1861
  • Polyrhachis osae Mann, 1919
  • Polyrhachis osiris Bolton, 1975
  • Polyrhachis otleti Forel, 1916
  • Polyrhachis pallescens Mayr, 1876
  • Polyrhachis pallipes Donisthorpe, 1948
  • Polyrhachis parabiotica Chapman, 1963
  • Polyrhachis paracamponota Wang & Wu, 1991
  • Polyrhachis paromala Smith, 1863
  • Polyrhachis patiens Santschi, 1920
  • Polyrhachis paxilla Smith, 1863
  • Polyrhachis pellita Menozzi, 1922
  • Polyrhachis penelope Forel, 1895
  • Polyrhachis peregrina Smith, 1860
  • Polyrhachis personata Wheeler, 1919
  • Polyrhachis phalerata Menozzi, 1926
  • Polyrhachis phidias Forel, 1910
  • Polyrhachis philippinensis Smith, 1858
  • Polyrhachis phryne Forel, 1907
  • Polyrhachis piliventris Smith, 1858
  • Polyrhachis pilosa Donisthorpe, 1938
  • Polyrhachis plato Forel, 1911
  • Polyrhachis platynota Stitz, 1933
  • Polyrhachis platyomma Emery, 1921
  • Polyrhachis polymnia Forel, 1902
  • Polyrhachis porcata Emery, 1921
  • Polyrhachis pressa Mayr, 1862
  • Polyrhachis prometheus Santschi, 1920
  • Polyrhachis proxima Roger, 1863
  • Polyrhachis pruinosa Mayr, 1872
  • Polyrhachis pseudothrinax Hung, 1967
  • Polyrhachis pubescens Mayr, 1879
  • Polyrhachis punctata Karavaiev, 1927
  • Polyrhachis punctillata Roger, 1863
  • Polyrhachis punctiventris Mayr, 1876
  • Polyrhachis pyrgops Viehmeyer, 1912
  • Polyrhachis pyrrhus Forel, 1910
  • Polyrhachis queenslandica Emery, 1895
  • Polyrhachis ralumensis Forel, 1901
  • Polyrhachis rastellata Latreille, 1802
  • Polyrhachis reclinata Emery, 1887
  • Polyrhachis regesa Bolton, 1973
  • Polyrhachis regularis Mayr, 1867
  • Polyrhachis relucens Latreille, 1802
  • Polyrhachis rere Mann, 1919
  • Polyrhachis restituta Viehmeyer, 1913
  • Polyrhachis retrorsa Emery, 1900
  • Polyrhachis revoili Andre, 1887
  • Polyrhachis rhea Forel, 1911
  • Polyrhachis ridleyi Forel, 1912
  • Polyrhachis rixosa Smith, 1858
  • Polyrhachis rossi Donisthorpe, 1948
  • Polyrhachis rotumana Wilson & Taylor, 1967
  • Polyrhachis rotundiceps Karavaiev, 1927
  • Polyrhachis rowlandi Forel, 1910
  • Polyrhachis rubigastrica Wu & Wang, 1991
  • Polyrhachis rubiginosa Le Guillou, 1842
  • Polyrhachis ruficornis Smith, 1857
  • Polyrhachis rufifemur Forel, 1907
  • Polyrhachis rufipalpis Santschi, 1910
  • Polyrhachis rufipes Smith, 1858
  • Polyrhachis rufofemorata Smith, 1859
  • Polyrhachis rugifrons Smith, 1860
  • Polyrhachis rupicapra Roger, 1863
  • Polyrhachis rustica Kohout, 1990
  • Polyrhachis saevissima Smith, 1860
  • Polyrhachis saigonensis Forel, 1886
  • Polyrhachis salomo Forel, 1910
  • Polyrhachis santschii Mann, 1919
  • Polyrhachis sappho Forel, 1911
  • Polyrhachis scabra Kohout, 1987
  • Polyrhachis scapulata Santschi, 1932
  • Polyrhachis schang Forel, 1879
  • Polyrhachis schenckii Forel, 1886
  • Polyrhachis schistacea Gerstaecker, 1859
  • Polyrhachis schizospina Karavaiev, 1927
  • Polyrhachis schlueteri Forel, 1886
  • Polyrhachis schoopae Forel, 1902
  • Polyrhachis schwiedlandi Forel, 1902
  • Polyrhachis scissa Roger, 1862
  • Polyrhachis sculpta Emery, 1887
  • Polyrhachis sculpturata Smith, 1860
  • Polyrhachis scutulata Smith, 1859
  • Polyrhachis semiaurata Mayr, 1876
  • Polyrhachis semiobscura Donisthorpe, 1944
  • Polyrhachis semipolita Andre, 1896
  • Polyrhachis senilis Forel, 1902
  • Polyrhachis sericata Guerin-Meneville, 1831
  • Polyrhachis sericeopubescens Donisthorpe, 1941
  • Polyrhachis sexspinosa Latreille, 1802
  • Polyrhachis sidnica Mayr, 1866
  • Polyrhachis similis Viehmeyer, 1912
  • Polyrhachis simillima Emery, 1900
  • Polyrhachis smithi Emery, 1901
  • Polyrhachis sokolova Forel, 1902
  • Polyrhachis solivaga Menozzi, 1926
  • Polyrhachis solmsi Emery, 1887
  • Polyrhachis sophocles Forel, 1908
  • Polyrhachis sparaxes Smith, 1863
  • Polyrhachis spengeli Forel, 1912
  • Polyrhachis spinicola Forel, 1894
  • Polyrhachis spinifera Stitz, 1911
  • Polyrhachis spinigera Mayr, 1879
  • Polyrhachis spinosa Mayr, 1867
  • Polyrhachis spitteleri Forel, 1916
  • Polyrhachis splendens Santschi, 1932
  • Polyrhachis starri Kohout, 2013
  • Polyrhachis stigmatifera Kohout, 1990
  • Polyrhachis stitzi Santschi, 1928
  • Polyrhachis storki Kohout, 2008
  • Polyrhachis striata Mayr, 1862
  • Polyrhachis striatorugosa Mayr, 1862
  • Polyrhachis stricta Kohout, 2013
  • Polyrhachis strictifrons Emery, 1898
  • Polyrhachis strumosa Kohout, 2006
  • Polyrhachis stylifera Karavaiev, 1935
  • Polyrhachis subaenescens Viehmeyer, 1912
  • Polyrhachis subcyanea Emery, 1897
  • Polyrhachis subfossa Viehmeyer, 1913
  • Polyrhachis subfossoides Karavaiev, 1927
  • Polyrhachis submarginata Rigato, 2016
  • Polyrhachis subpilosa Emery, 1895
  • Polyrhachis subtridens Emery, 1900
  • Polyrhachis sukarmani Kohout, 2007
  • Polyrhachis sulang Kohout, 200
  • Polyrhachis sulawesiensis Kohout, 2008
  • Polyrhachis sulcata Andre, 1895
  • Polyrhachis sulcifera Kohout, 2007
  • Polyrhachis sylvicola Jerdon, 1851
  • Polyrhachis tambourinensis Forel, 1915
  • Polyrhachis tanami Kohout, 2013
  • Polyrhachis tapini Kohout, 2013
  • Polyrhachis taylori Kohout, 1988
  • Polyrhachis templi Forel, 1902
  • Polyrhachis tenebra Kohout, 2013
  • Polyrhachis terminata Rigato, 2016
  • Polyrhachis ternatae Karavaiev, 1933
  • Polyrhachis terpsichore Forel, 1893
  • Polyrhachis tersa Viehmeyer, 1914
  • Polyrhachis textor Smith, 1857
  • Polyrhachis thailandica Kohout, 2006
  • Polyrhachis thais Forel, 1910
  • Polyrhachis thompsoni Bingham, 1903
  • Polyrhachis thrinax Roger, 1863
  • Polyrhachis thusnelda Forel, 1902
  • Polyrhachis tianjingshanensis Quin & Zhou, 2008
  • Polyrhachis tibialis Smith, 1858
  • Polyrhachis tragos Stitz, 1925
  • Polyrhachis transiens Bolton, 1973
  • Polyrhachis trapezoidea Mayr, 1876
  • Polyrhachis triaena Wheeler, 1919
  • Polyrhachis tricuspis Andre, 1887
  • Polyrhachis trina Donisthorpe, 1944
  • Polyrhachis trispinosa Smith, 1861
  • Polyrhachis tristis Mayr, 1867
  • Polyrhachis trophima Smith, 1863
  • Polyrhachis tschu Forel, 1879
  • Polyrhachis tubericeps Forel, 1893
  • Polyrhachis tuberosa Kohout, 2006
  • Polyrhachis tubifera Forel, 1902
  • Polyrhachis tubifex Karavaiev, 1926
  • Polyrhachis turneri Forel, 1895
  • Polyrhachis tyrannica Smith, 1858
  • Polyrhachis ugiensis Mann, 1919
  • Polyrhachis ulysses Forel, 1910
  • Polyrhachis umboi Kohout, 2007
  • Polyrhachis uncaria Kohout, 2013
  • Polyrhachis undulata Kohout, 2006
  • Polyrhachis unicornis Kohout, 2013
  • Polyrhachis unicuspis Emery, 1898
  • Polyrhachis vanachterbergi Kohout, 2008
  • Polyrhachis varicolor Viehmeyer, 1916
  • Polyrhachis variegata Kohout, 2007
  • Polyrhachis venus Forel, 1893
  • Polyrhachis vermiculosa Mayr, 1876
  • Polyrhachis vernoni Kohout, 2013
  • Polyrhachis vestita Smith, 1860
  • Polyrhachis viehmeyeri Emery, 1921
  • Polyrhachis vigilans Smith, 1858
  • Polyrhachis villipes Smith, 1857
  • Polyrhachis villosa Emery, 1897
  • Polyrhachis vindex Smith, 1857
  • Polyrhachis viola Zettel, 2013
  • Polyrhachis violaceonigra Viehmeyer, 1914
  • Polyrhachis viscosa Smith, 1858
  • Polyrhachis vitalisi Santschi, 1920
  • Polyrhachis volkarti Forel, 1916
  • Polyrhachis wagneri Viehmeyer, 1914
  • Polyrhachis waigeuensis Donisthorpe, 1943
  • Polyrhachis wallacei Emery, 1887
  • Polyrhachis wamuki Kohout, 2007
  • Polyrhachis wardi Kohout, 2007
  • Polyrhachis watanasiti Kohout, 2013
  • Polyrhachis weiri Kohout, 2013
  • Polyrhachis weissi Santschi, 1910
  • Polyrhachis wellmani Forel, 1909
  • Polyrhachis wheeleri Mann, 1919
  • Polyrhachis widodoi Kohout, 2006
  • Polyrhachis wilmsi Forel, 1910
  • Polyrhachis wilsoni Kohout, 2007
  • Polyrhachis wolfi Forel, 1912
  • Polyrhachis wroughtonii Forel, 1894
  • Polyrhachis xanthippe Forel, 1911
  • Polyrhachis xiphias Smith, 1863
  • Polyrhachis yarrabahensis Forel, 1915
  • Polyrhachis yerburyi Forel, 1893
  • Polyrhachis yorkana Forel, 1915
  • Polyrhachis ypsilon Emery, 1887
  • Polyrhachis zhengi Zhou & Huang, 2002
  • Polyrhachis zimmerae Clark, 1941
  • Polyrhachis zopyra Smith, 1861


  1. Polyrhachis, [w:] Integrated Taxonomic Information System  (ang.).
  2. a b A.C.F. Hung. A Revision of the Ant Genus Polyrhachis at the Subgeneric Level (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). „Transactions of the American Entomological Society”. 93 (4), s. 395–422, 1967. 
  3. Barry Bolton: Polyrhachis. [w:] An Online Catalog of the Ants of the World [on-line]. [dostęp 2017-06-14].
  • J9U: 987007563142005171
Identyfikatory zewnętrzne:
  • BioLib: 646503
  • EoL: 34568
  • GBIF: 1317959
  • identyfikator iNaturalist: 122321
  • ITIS: 573986
  • NCBI: 84544
  • identyfikator taksonu Fossilworks: 247351
  • CoL: 63P4G