Konvensyen Geneva (1929)

Konvensyen Geneva (1929) ditandatangani di Geneva pada 27 Julai 1929. Nama rasminya ialah Konvensyen berkaitan Perlakuan terhadap Tahanan Perang, Geneva 27 Julai 1929. Konvensyen ini mula diadakan pada 19 Jun 1931.[1] Ini merupakan versi Konvensyen Geneva yang menyoroti rawatan terhadap tahanan perang pada Perang Dunia II. Konvensyen tersebut ialah pendahulu Konvensyen Geneva Ketiga yang ditandatangani pada 1949.


  1. ^ "Treaties, States parties, and Commentaries - Geneva Convention on Prisoners of War, 1929". ihl-databases.icrc.org. Dicapai pada 2019-06-07.

Bacaan lanjut

  • List of 53 countries that ratified the Convention. Countries that ratified the Convention are called State Parties. Not all countries that later were involved in World War II signed, e.g., the USSR. Japan did sign the Convention, but did not ratify it. They were a "state signatory." The list of 9 countries that were only state signatories.
  • Copy of the convention held by the ICRC: Convention relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War. Geneva, 27 July 1929.
  • Copy of the convention as ratified by the United States Convention Between the United States of America and Other Powers, Relating to Prisoners of War; July 27, 1929. Held in the Avalon Project at the Yale Law School