
A. Blands版の最初のページ(1784-1790年頃)
A. Blands版の最初のページ(1784-1790年頃)
出版1778年 (1778)(歌詞のみ)、1780年 (1780)頃(楽曲)
To Anacreon in Heaven - John Townleyの歌唱、Orchard Enterprises提供YouTubeアートトラック

天国のアナクレオンへ』(てんごくのアナクレオンへ、英語: To Anacreon in Heaven)は、アメリカ合衆国の国歌『星条旗』のメロディの元となった歌で、ロンドンのアマチュアミュージシャンが定期的にコンサートを行っていた社交クラブ、アナクレオンティック・ソサエティの公式ソングであった。同クラブの弁護士、医者、他のプロフェッショナルの面々はギリシャ紀元前6世紀の詩人アナクレオンにちなみ、クラブの名前を付けた。アナクレオンの詩は美少年たちや女人、ワイン、享楽、エロスなどを賛美している。

ソサエティのメンバーだった、ジョン・スタフォード・スミスによって1760年代中盤に作曲、ソサエティの会長だったラルフ・トムリンソンによって作詞された。1778年1779年ロンドンの Longman & Broderip によって最初に発表された。下品で大酒飲みを歌った歌詞のためにロンドンで人気を博し、また "Adams and Liberty" や "Jefferson and Liberty." と行った愛国的な新しい歌詞を付けて、イギリス、アメリカで流行した。




To Anacreon in Heav'n,
Where he sat in full glee,
A few Sons of Harmony
Sent a petition
That he their Inspirer
And Patron would be;
When this answer arrived
From the Jolly Old Grecian:
"Voice, Fiddle, and Flute,
No longer be mute,
I'll lend you my name
And inspire you to boot,
And besides I'll instruct you,
Like me, to intwine
The Myrtle of Venus
With Bacchus's Vine."
The news through Olympus
Immediately flew;
When Old Thunder pretended
To give himself airs.
"If these Mortals are suffered
Their scheme to pursue,
The devil a Goddess,
Will stay above stairs.
Hark, already they cry,
In transports of joy,
'Away to the Sons
Of Anacreon we'll fly,
And there with good fellows,
We'll learn to intwine
The Myrtle of Venus
With Bacchus' Vine.
"The Yellow-Haired God
And his nine fusty Maids
From Helicon's banks
Will incontinent flee,
Idalia will boast
But of tenantless shades,
And the bi-forked hill
A mere desert will be.
My Thunder no fear on't,
Shall soon do its errand,
And dam'me I'll swing
The Ringleaders I warrant.
I'll trim the young dogs,
For thus daring to twine
The Myrtle of Venus
With Bacchus's Vine."
Apollo rose up,
And said, "Pry'thee ne'er quarrel,
Good King of the Gods,
With My Vot'ries below:
Your Thunder is useless"--
Then showing his laurel,
Cry'd "Sic evitabile
Fulmen, you know!
Then over each head,
My laurels I'll spread,
So my sons from your Crackers
No mischief shall dread,
While, snug in their clubroom,
They jovially twine
The Myrtle of Venus
With Bacchus's Vine."
Next Momus got up
With his risible Phiz
And swore with Apollo
He'd cheerfully join --
"The full tide of Harmony
Still shall be his,
But the Song, and the Catch,
And the Laugh shall be mine.
Then, Jove, be not jealous
Of these honest fellows."
Cry'd Jove, "We relent,
Since the truth you now tell us:
And swear by Old Styx,
That they long shall intwine
The Myrtle of Venus
With Bacchus's Vine."
Ye Sons of Anacreon,
Then join hand in hand;
Preserve Unanimity,
Friendship, and Love!
'Tis yours to support
What's so happily plann'd;
You've the sanction of Gods,
And the Fiat of Jove.
While thus we agree,
Our toast let it be:
"May our Club flourish Happy,
United, and Free!
And long may the Sons
Of Anacreon intwine
The Myrtle of Venus
With Bacchus's Vine."


  1. ^ Smithonian: "Star-Spangled Banner and the War of 1812" 2013年9月14日閲覧
  2. ^ Smithonian: THE STAR-SPANGLED BANNER 2013年9月14日閲覧


  • Sons of Anacreon
  • UVa Library: Exhibits: Lift Every Voice: Patriotic Odes
  • Smithsonian: The Star-Sprangled Banner: The Story of the Flag: From Poem to National Anthem
    • To Anacreon in Heaven(real audio, 1:08)
  • An early copy of To Anacreon In Heaven
  • Modern a capella version by Oak Ash & Thorn
  • The Colonial Music Institute
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