Ingrid Suediakoa

Ingrid Suediakoa

Irudi gehiago

Consort of Denmark (en) Itzuli

1947ko apirilaren 20a - 1972ko urtarrilaren 14a
JaiotzaStockholmeko Errege Jauregia, 1910eko martxoaren 28a
Herrialdea Suedia
Lehen hizkuntzasuediera
HeriotzaFredensborg jauregia, 2000ko azaroaren 7a (90 urte)
Hobiratze lekuaRoskildeko katedrala
AitaGustavo VI.a Adolfo Suediakoa
AmaPrincess Margaret of Connaught
Ezkontidea(k)Frederiko IX.a Danimarkakoa  (1935eko maiatzaren 24a -
  • Prince Gustaf Adolf, Duke of Västerbotten (en) Itzuli
    Prince Sigvard Bernadotte (en) Itzuli
    Prince Bertil, Duke of Halland (en) Itzuli
    Prince Carl Johan Bernadotte (en) Itzuli
    unnamed daughter Bernadotte (en) Itzuli
    stillborn daughter of Sweden (en) Itzuli
LeinuaHouse of Bernadotte (en) Itzuli
House of Glücksburg (Denmark) (en) Itzuli
Jasotako sariak
  • Elisabet Katolikoaren Ordena Elisabet Katolikoaren Ordena
    Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the Falcon Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the Falcon
    Grand Cross Special Class of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany Grand Cross Special Class of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany
    Knight Grand Cross of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic Knight Grand Cross of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic
    Grand Star of the Decoration for Services to the Republic of Austria Grand Star of the Decoration for Services to the Republic of Austria  (1962)
    Order of the Elephant Order of the Elephant  (1947)
    Royal Order of the Seraphim Royal Order of the Seraphim  (1960)
    anniversary medal at the occasion of the 2500th anniversary of the founding of the Iranian Empire anniversary medal at the occasion of the 2500th anniversary of the founding of the Iranian Empire
    Grand Cross with Collar of the Order of the White Rose of Finland Grand Cross with Collar of the Order of the White Rose of Finland  (1957ko abuztuaren 20a)
    Knight Grand Commander of the Order of the Dannebrog Knight Grand Commander of the Order of the Dannebrog  (1959ko martxoaren 11)
    Knight Grand Cross in the Order of the Netherlands Lion Knight Grand Cross in the Order of the Netherlands Lion
Sinesmenak eta ideologia

Musicbrainz: 6e4212aa-8900-4d97-8e3d-a67cee0da885 Find a Grave: 9422843 Edit the value on Wikidata

Ingrid (Ingrid Victoria Sofia Louise Margareta; Stockholm, 1910eko martxoaren 28a - Fredensborg jauregia, 2000ko azaroaren 7a) Danimarkako erregina ezkontidea izan zen 1947tik 1972ra.

Gustaf VI.a Adolf Suediakoa eta Margarita Connaughtekoaren alaba izan zen. 1935ean Frederiko IX.a Danimarkakoaren ezkondu zen eta hiru alabak izan zituzten:

1947an erregina ezkontide bihurtu zen bere senarra tronura igo zenean.

Zuhaitz genealogikoa
Frederik X.a Danimarkakoa
Margrethe II.a Danimarkakoa
Prince Joachim of Denmark
Gustav, 7th Prince of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg
Gustavo V.a Suediakoa
Gustavo VI.a Adolfo Suediakoa
Princess Benedikte of Denmark Princess Alexandra of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg
Viktoria Badengoa
Ingrid Suediakoa
Princess Nathalie of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg
Arturo, Connaughteko eta Strathearngo dukea
Princess Margaret of Connaught
Princess Alexia of Greece and Denmark
Princess Louise Margaret, Duchess of Connaught and Strathearn
Pavlos, Crown Prince of Greece
Ana Maria Danimarkakoa Prince Nikolaos of Greece and Denmark
Princess Theodora of Greece and Denmark
Prince Philippos of Greece and Denmark

Kanpo estekak

Autoritate kontrola
  • Wikimedia proiektuak
  • Wd Datuak: Q163010
  • Commonscat Multimedia: Ingrid of Sweden / Q163010

  • Identifikadoreak
  • WorldCat
  • VIAF: 264589926
  • ISNI: 0000000078683041
  • BNF: 15800858r (data)
  • GND: 123576814
  • LCCN: n80056906
  • NARA: 134761339
  • SUDOC: 072972645
  • KulturNav: id
  • Ondare historikoa
  • FMIS: LSH/agents/14765
  • Wd Datuak: Q163010
  • Commonscat Multimedia: Ingrid of Sweden / Q163010