Twenty-eighth Dynasty of Egypt

404–398 BC single-pharaoh ancient Egyptian dynasty
Twenty-eighth Dynasty of Egypt
404 BC–398 BC
Common languagesEgyptian language
Ancient Egyptian Religion
GovernmentAbsolute monarchy
Historical eraClassical antiquity
404 BC
• Deposition of Amyrtaeus
398 BC
Preceded by
Succeeded by
Twenty-seventh Dynasty of Egypt
Twenty-ninth Dynasty of Egypt
Periods and dynasties of ancient Egypt
All years are BC
Pre-dynastic period
First Dynasty I c. 3150–2890
Second Dynasty II 2890–2686
Third Dynasty III 2686–2613
Fourth Dynasty IV 2613–2498
Fifth Dynasty V 2498–2345
Sixth Dynasty VI 2345–2181
Seventh Dynasty VII spurious
Eighth Dynasty VIII 2181–2160
Ninth Dynasty IX 2160–2130
Tenth Dynasty X 2130–2040
Early Eleventh Dynasty XI 2134–2061
Late Eleventh Dynasty XI 2061–1991
Twelfth Dynasty XII 1991–1803
Thirteenth Dynasty XIII 1803–1649
Fourteenth Dynasty XIV 1705–1690
Fifteenth Dynasty (Hyksos) XV 1674–1535
Sixteenth Dynasty XVI 1660–1600
Abydos Dynasty 1650–1600
Seventeenth Dynasty XVII 1580–1549
Eighteenth Dynasty XVIII 1549–1292
Nineteenth Dynasty XIX 1292–1189
Twentieth Dynasty XX 1189–1077
Twenty-sixth Dynasty XXVI 672–525
Twenty-seventh Dynasty
(1st Persian Period)
XXVII 525–404
Twenty-eighth Dynasty XXVIII 404–398
Twenty-ninth Dynasty XXIX 398–380
Thirtieth Dynasty XXX 380–343
Thirty-first Dynasty
(2nd Persian Period)
XXXI 343–332
Thirty-fourth Dynasty
(Roman Pharaohs)
XXXIV 30 BC – 313 AD
XXXV 379 AD – 641 AD
See also: List of pharaohs by period and dynasty
Periodization of ancient Egypt
  • v
  • t
  • e

The Twenty-eighth Dynasty of Egypt (notated Dynasty XXVIII, alternatively 28th Dynasty or Dynasty 28) is usually classified as the third dynasty of the Ancient Egyptian Late Period. The 28th Dynasty lasted from 404 BC to 398 BC and it includes only one Pharaoh, Amyrtaeus (Amenirdis), also known as Psamtik V or Psammetichus V. Amyrtaeus was probably the grandson of the Amyrtaeus of Sais, who carried on a rebellion in 465–463 BC with the Egyptian chief, Inarus (himself a grandson of Psamtik III), against the satrap Achaemenes of Achaemenid Egypt.


As early as 411 BC, Amyrtaeus, a native Egyptian, revolted against Darius II, the Achaemenid Persian King and the last Pharaoh of the 27th Dynasty. Amyrtaeus succeeded in expelling the Persians from Memphis in 405 BC with assistance from Cretan mercenaries, and in 404 BC, following the death of Darius, proclaimed himself Pharaoh of Egypt. Although Artaxerxes II, Darius' successor as King of Persia attempted to lead an expedition to retake Egypt he was unable to do so, due to political problems with his brother, Cyrus the Younger. This allowed Amyrtaeus to solidify Egyptian rule over Egypt.

Very little is known about Amyrtaeus' reign. No monuments from this dynasty have been found.

In 398 BC Amyrtaeus was overthrown and executed by Nefaarud I, ending the 28th Dynasty and beginning the 29th Dynasty.[1]

Pharaohs of the 28th Dynasty

Name of Pharaoh Cartouche Reign Throne Name Comments
Amyrtaeus / Psamtik V/ Psammetichus V 404-398 BC Founder of 28th Dynasty


  1. ^ David, Klotz (2015-09-19). "Persian Period". UCLA Encyclopedia of Egyptology. 1 (1).


  • O. Perdu, 'Saites and Persians (664-332),' in A.B. Lloyd (ed.), A Companion to Ancient Egypt (Chichester, 2010), 140-58 (at 153–7).
  • J.D. Ray, 'Egypt: Dependence and Independence (425-343 B.C.)', in Achaemenid History 1 (Leiden, 1987), 79–95.

See also