Order of accuracy

Term in numerical analysis

In numerical analysis, order of accuracy quantifies the rate of convergence of a numerical approximation of a differential equation to the exact solution. Consider u {\displaystyle u} , the exact solution to a differential equation in an appropriate normed space ( V , | |   | | ) {\displaystyle (V,||\ ||)} . Consider a numerical approximation u h {\displaystyle u_{h}} , where h {\displaystyle h} is a parameter characterizing the approximation, such as the step size in a finite difference scheme or the diameter of the cells in a finite element method. The numerical solution u h {\displaystyle u_{h}} is said to be n {\displaystyle n} th-order accurate if the error E ( h ) := | | u u h | | {\displaystyle E(h):=||u-u_{h}||} is proportional to the step-size h {\displaystyle h} to the n {\displaystyle n} th power:[1]

E ( h ) = | | u u h | | C h n {\displaystyle E(h)=||u-u_{h}||\leq Ch^{n}}

where the constant C {\displaystyle C} is independent of h {\displaystyle h} and usually depends on the solution u {\displaystyle u} .[2] Using the big O notation an n {\displaystyle n} th-order accurate numerical method is notated as

| | u u h | | = O ( h n ) {\displaystyle ||u-u_{h}||=O(h^{n})}

This definition is strictly dependent on the norm used in the space; the choice of such norm is fundamental to estimate the rate of convergence and, in general, all numerical errors correctly.

The size of the error of a first-order accurate approximation is directly proportional to h {\displaystyle h} . Partial differential equations which vary over both time and space are said to be accurate to order n {\displaystyle n} in time and to order m {\displaystyle m} in space.[3]


  1. ^ LeVeque, Randall J (2006). Finite Difference Methods for Differential Equations. University of Washington. pp. 3–5. CiteSeerX
  2. ^ Ciarliet, Philippe J (1978). The Finite Element Method for Elliptic Problems. Elsevier. pp. 105–106. doi:10.1137/1.9780898719208. ISBN 978-0-89871-514-9.
  3. ^ Strikwerda, John C (2004). Finite Difference Schemes and Partial Differential Equations (2 ed.). pp. 62–66. ISBN 978-0-898716-39-9.

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