List of endemic birds of Hawaii

There are 71 known taxa of birds endemic to the Hawaiian Islands, of which 30 are extinct, 6 possibly extinct and 30 of the remaining 48 species and subspecies are listed as endangered or threatened by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service. In the era following western contact, habitat loss and avian disease are thought to have had the greatest effect on endemic bird species in Hawaii, although native peoples are implicated in the loss of dozens of species before the arrival of Captain Cook and others, in large part due to the arrival of the Polynesian rat (Rattus exulans) which came along with the first Polynesians.

List of species

The following is a list of bird species and subspecies endemic to the Hawaiian Islands:


  • Hawaiian petrel or ʻuaʻu, Pterodroma sandwichensis VU
  • Newell's shearwater or ʻaʻo, Puffinus newelli CR
  • Bryan's shearwater, Puffinus bryani CR (P. assimilis: LC)
  • Bonin petrel, Pterodroma hypoleuca LC 99% of the total population breeds on the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands


  • Hawaiian goose or nēnē, Branta sandvicensis VU
  • Hawaiian duck or koloa maoli, Anas wyvilliana EN
  • Laysan duck, Anas laysanensis CR
  • Laysan albatross, Phoebastria immutabilis NT 99.7% of the total population breeds on the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands
  • Black-footed albatross, Phoebastria nigripes NT 97.5% of the total population breeds on the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands
  • Hawaiian stilt or aeʻo, Himantopus mexicanus knudseni (NR) (H. mexicanus: LC)
  • Hawaiian black noddy or noio, Anous minutus melanogenys (A. minutus: LC)
  • Kamaʻo, Myadestes myadestinusEX
  • Puaiohi, Myadestes palmeri CR
  • Olomaʻo, Myadestes lanaiensis PE
    • ʻĀmaui, Myadestes (lanaiensis) woahensisEX
  • ʻOmaʻo, Myadestes obscurus VU

See also


  • (2005). Hawaii's Birds. Hawaii Audubon Society. Sixth ed.
  • USGS Biology Programs, Informative site but species classification is out of date
  • IUCN Redlist of Threatened Species
  • Hawai'i's Endemic Forest Birds - Distribution, Status and Population Updates 2002
  • Hawaii's Species of Greatest Conservation Need: Process and SGCN Fact Sheets
  • v
  • t
  • e
Bird lists of North America by region
United States
By political region
By geographic region
See also
Central America