
The hyperpolarizability, a nonlinear-optical property of a molecule, is the second order electric susceptibility per unit volume.[1] The hyperpolarizability can be calculated using quantum chemical calculations developed in several software packages.[2][3][4] See nonlinear optics.

Definition and higher orders

The linear electric polarizability α {\displaystyle \alpha } in isotropic media is defined as the ratio of the induced dipole moment p {\displaystyle \mathbf {p} } of an atom to the electric field E {\displaystyle \mathbf {E} } that produces this dipole moment.[5]

Therefore, the dipole moment is:

p = α E {\displaystyle \mathbf {p} =\alpha \mathbf {E} }

In an isotropic medium p {\displaystyle \mathbf {p} } is in the same direction as E {\displaystyle \mathbf {E} } , i.e. α {\displaystyle \alpha } is a scalar. In an anisotropic medium p {\displaystyle \mathbf {p} } and E {\displaystyle \mathbf {E} } can be in different directions and the polarisability is now a tensor.

The total density of induced polarization is the product of the number density of molecules multiplied by the dipole moment of each molecule, i.e.:

P = ρ p = ρ α E = ε 0 χ E , {\displaystyle \mathbf {P} =\rho \mathbf {p} =\rho \alpha \mathbf {E} =\varepsilon _{0}\chi \mathbf {E} ,}

where ρ {\displaystyle \rho } is the concentration, ε 0 {\displaystyle \varepsilon _{0}} is the vacuum permittivity, and χ {\displaystyle \chi } is the electric susceptibility.

In a nonlinear optical medium, the polarization density is written as a series expansion in powers of the applied electric field, and the coefficients are termed the non-linear susceptibility:

P ( t ) = ε 0 ( χ ( 1 ) E ( t ) + χ ( 2 ) E 2 ( t ) + χ ( 3 ) E 3 ( t ) + ) , {\displaystyle \mathbf {P} (t)=\varepsilon _{0}\left(\chi ^{(1)}\mathbf {E} (t)+\chi ^{(2)}\mathbf {E} ^{2}(t)+\chi ^{(3)}\mathbf {E} ^{3}(t)+\ldots \right),}

where the coefficients χ(n) are the n-th-order susceptibilities of the medium, and the presence of such a term is generally referred to as an n-th-order nonlinearity. In isotropic media χ ( n ) {\displaystyle \chi ^{(n)}} is zero for even n, and is a scalar for odd n. In general, χ(n) is an (n + 1)-th-rank tensor. It is natural to perform the same expansion for the non-linear molecular dipole moment:

p ( t ) = α ( 1 ) E ( t ) + α ( 2 ) E 2 ( t ) + α ( 3 ) E 3 ( t ) + , {\displaystyle \mathbf {p} (t)=\alpha ^{(1)}\mathbf {E} (t)+\alpha ^{(2)}\mathbf {E} ^{2}(t)+\alpha ^{(3)}\mathbf {E} ^{3}(t)+\ldots ,}

i.e. the n-th-order susceptibility for an ensemble of molecules is simply related to the n-th-order hyperpolarizability for a single molecule by:

α ( n ) = ε 0 ρ χ ( n ) . {\displaystyle \alpha ^{(n)}={\frac {\varepsilon _{0}}{\rho }}\chi ^{(n)}.}

With this definition α ( 1 ) {\displaystyle \alpha ^{(1)}} is equal to α {\displaystyle \alpha } defined above for the linear polarizability. Often α ( 2 ) {\displaystyle \alpha ^{(2)}} is given the symbol β {\displaystyle \beta } and α ( 3 ) {\displaystyle \alpha ^{(3)}} is given the symbol γ {\displaystyle \gamma } . However, care is needed because some authors[6] take out the factor ε 0 {\displaystyle \varepsilon _{0}} from α ( n ) {\displaystyle \alpha ^{(n)}} , so that p = ε 0 n α ( n ) E n {\displaystyle \mathbf {p} =\varepsilon _{0}\sum _{n}\alpha ^{(n)}\mathbf {E} ^{n}} and hence α ( n ) = χ ( n ) / ρ {\displaystyle \alpha ^{(n)}=\chi ^{(n)}/\rho } , which is convenient because then the (hyper-)polarizability may be accurately called the (nonlinear-)susceptibility per molecule, but at the same time inconvenient because of the inconsistency with the usual linear polarisability definition above.

See also

  • Intrinsic hyperpolarizability


  1. ^ "The Nonlinear Optics Home Page". www.nlosource.com. Retrieved 2019-12-29.
  2. ^ "GAMESS Input Documentation: TDHFX section". myweb.liu.edu. Retrieved 2019-12-29.
  3. ^ "Polar | Gaussian.com". gaussian.com. Retrieved 2019-12-29.
  4. ^ "The first calculation with DALTON". www.lct.jussieu.fr. Retrieved 2019-12-29.
  5. ^ Introduction to Electrodynamics (3rd Edition), D.J. Griffiths, Pearson Education, Dorling Kindersley, 2007, ISBN 81-7758-293-3
  6. ^ Boyd, Robert. Nonlinear Optics (3rd ed.). Elsevier. ISBN 978-81-312-2292-8.
  • The Nonlinear Optics Web Site

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