
Concept in algebraic topology

The notion of a fibration generalizes the notion of a fiber bundle and plays an important role in algebraic topology, a branch of mathematics.

Fibrations are used, for example, in Postnikov systems or obstruction theory.

In this article, all mappings are continuous mappings between topological spaces.

Formal definitions

Homotopy lifting property

A mapping p : E B {\displaystyle p\colon E\to B} satisfies the homotopy lifting property for a space X {\displaystyle X} if:

  • for every homotopy h : X × [ 0 , 1 ] B {\displaystyle h\colon X\times [0,1]\to B} and
  • for every mapping (also called lift) h ~ 0 : X E {\displaystyle {\tilde {h}}_{0}\colon X\to E} lifting h | X × 0 = h 0 {\displaystyle h|_{X\times 0}=h_{0}} (i.e. h 0 = p h ~ 0 {\displaystyle h_{0}=p\circ {\tilde {h}}_{0}} )

there exists a (not necessarily unique) homotopy h ~ : X × [ 0 , 1 ] E {\displaystyle {\tilde {h}}\colon X\times [0,1]\to E} lifting h {\displaystyle h} (i.e. h = p h ~ {\displaystyle h=p\circ {\tilde {h}}} ) with h ~ 0 = h ~ | X × 0 . {\displaystyle {\tilde {h}}_{0}={\tilde {h}}|_{X\times 0}.}

The following commutative diagram shows the situation: [1]: 66 


A fibration (also called Hurewicz fibration) is a mapping p : E B {\displaystyle p\colon E\to B} satisfying the homotopy lifting property for all spaces X . {\displaystyle X.} The space B {\displaystyle B} is called base space and the space E {\displaystyle E} is called total space. The fiber over b B {\displaystyle b\in B} is the subspace F b = p 1 ( b ) E . {\displaystyle F_{b}=p^{-1}(b)\subseteq E.} [1]: 66 

Serre fibration

A Serre fibration (also called weak fibration) is a mapping p : E B {\displaystyle p\colon E\to B} satisfying the homotopy lifting property for all CW-complexes.[2]: 375-376 

Every Hurewicz fibration is a Serre fibration.


A mapping p : E B {\displaystyle p\colon E\to B} is called quasifibration, if for every b B , {\displaystyle b\in B,} e p 1 ( b ) {\displaystyle e\in p^{-1}(b)} and i 0 {\displaystyle i\geq 0} holds that the induced mapping p : π i ( E , p 1 ( b ) , e ) π i ( B , b ) {\displaystyle p_{*}\colon \pi _{i}(E,p^{-1}(b),e)\to \pi _{i}(B,b)} is an isomorphism.

Every Serre fibration is a quasifibratio.[3]: 241-242 


  • The projection onto the first factor p : B × F B {\displaystyle p\colon B\times F\to B} is a fibration. That is, trivial bundles are fibrations.
  • Every covering p : E B {\displaystyle p\colon E\to B} is a fibration. Specifically, for every homotopy h : X × [ 0 , 1 ] B {\displaystyle h\colon X\times [0,1]\to B} and every lift h ~ 0 : X E {\displaystyle {\tilde {h}}_{0}\colon X\to E} there exists a uniquely defined lift h ~ : X × [ 0 , 1 ] E {\displaystyle {\tilde {h}}\colon X\times [0,1]\to E} with p h ~ = h . {\displaystyle p\circ {\tilde {h}}=h.} [4]: 159  [5]: 50 
  • Every fiber bundle p : E B {\displaystyle p\colon E\to B} satisfies the homotopy lifting property for every CW-complex.[2]: 379 
  • A fiber bundle with a paracompact and Hausdorff base space satisfies the homotopy lifting property for all spaces.[2]: 379 
  • An example of a fibration which is not a fiber bundle is given by the mapping i : X I k X I k {\displaystyle i^{*}\colon X^{I^{k}}\to X^{\partial I^{k}}} induced by the inclusion i : I k I k {\displaystyle i\colon \partial I^{k}\to I^{k}} where k N , {\displaystyle k\in \mathbb {N} ,} X {\displaystyle X} a topological space and X A = { f : A X } {\displaystyle X^{A}=\{f\colon A\to X\}} is the space of all continuous mappings with the compact-open topology.[4]: 198 
  • The Hopf fibration S 1 S 3 S 2 {\displaystyle S^{1}\to S^{3}\to S^{2}} is a non-trivial fiber bundle and, specifically, a Serre fibration.

Basic concepts

Fiber homotopy equivalence

A mapping f : E 1 E 2 {\displaystyle f\colon E_{1}\to E_{2}} between total spaces of two fibrations p 1 : E 1 B {\displaystyle p_{1}\colon E_{1}\to B} and p 2 : E 2 B {\displaystyle p_{2}\colon E_{2}\to B} with the same base space is a fibration homomorphism if the following diagram commutes:

The mapping f {\displaystyle f} is a fiber homotopy equivalence if in addition a fibration homomorphism g : E 2 E 1 {\displaystyle g\colon E_{2}\to E_{1}} exists, such that the mappings f g {\displaystyle f\circ g} and g f {\displaystyle g\circ f} are homotopic, by fibration homomorphisms, to the identities Id E 2 {\displaystyle \operatorname {Id} _{E_{2}}} and Id E 1 . {\displaystyle \operatorname {Id} _{E_{1}}.} [2]: 405-406 

Pullback fibration

Given a fibration p : E B {\displaystyle p\colon E\to B} and a mapping f : A B {\displaystyle f\colon A\to B} , the mapping p f : f ( E ) A {\displaystyle p_{f}\colon f^{*}(E)\to A} is a fibration, where f ( E ) = { ( a , e ) A × E | f ( a ) = p ( e ) } {\displaystyle f^{*}(E)=\{(a,e)\in A\times E|f(a)=p(e)\}} is the pullback and the projections of f ( E ) {\displaystyle f^{*}(E)} onto A {\displaystyle A} and E {\displaystyle E} yield the following commutative diagram:

The fibration p f {\displaystyle p_{f}} is called the pullback fibration or induced fibration.[2]: 405-406 

Pathspace fibration

With the pathspace construction, any continuous mapping can be extended to a fibration by enlarging its domain to a homotopy equivalent space. This fibration is called pathspace fibration.

The total space E f {\displaystyle E_{f}} of the pathspace fibration for a continuous mapping f : A B {\displaystyle f\colon A\to B} between topological spaces consists of pairs ( a , γ ) {\displaystyle (a,\gamma )} with a A {\displaystyle a\in A} and paths γ : I B {\displaystyle \gamma \colon I\to B} with starting point γ ( 0 ) = f ( a ) , {\displaystyle \gamma (0)=f(a),} where I = [ 0 , 1 ] {\displaystyle I=[0,1]} is the unit interval. The space E f = { ( a , γ ) A × B I | γ ( 0 ) = f ( a ) } {\displaystyle E_{f}=\{(a,\gamma )\in A\times B^{I}|\gamma (0)=f(a)\}} carries the subspace topology of A × B I , {\displaystyle A\times B^{I},} where B I {\displaystyle B^{I}} describes the space of all mappings I B {\displaystyle I\to B} and carries the compact-open topology.

The pathspace fibration is given by the mapping p : E f B {\displaystyle p\colon E_{f}\to B} with p ( a , γ ) = γ ( 1 ) . {\displaystyle p(a,\gamma )=\gamma (1).} The fiber F f {\displaystyle F_{f}} is also called the homotopy fiber of f {\displaystyle f} and consists of the pairs ( a , γ ) {\displaystyle (a,\gamma )} with a A {\displaystyle a\in A} and paths γ : [ 0 , 1 ] B , {\displaystyle \gamma \colon [0,1]\to B,} where γ ( 0 ) = f ( a ) {\displaystyle \gamma (0)=f(a)} and γ ( 1 ) = b 0 B {\displaystyle \gamma (1)=b_{0}\in B} holds.

For the special case of the inclusion of the base point i : b 0 B {\displaystyle i\colon b_{0}\to B} , an important example of the pathspace fibration emerges. The total space E i {\displaystyle E_{i}} consists of all paths in B {\displaystyle B} which starts at b 0 . {\displaystyle b_{0}.} This space is denoted by P B {\displaystyle PB} and is called path space. The pathspace fibration p : P B B {\displaystyle p\colon PB\to B} maps each path to its endpoint, hence the fiber p 1 ( b 0 ) {\displaystyle p^{-1}(b_{0})} consists of all closed paths. The fiber is denoted by Ω B {\displaystyle \Omega B} and is called loop space.[2]: 407-408 


  • The fibers p 1 ( b ) {\displaystyle p^{-1}(b)} over b B {\displaystyle b\in B} are homotopy equivalent for each path component of B . {\displaystyle B.} [2]: 405 
  • For a homotopy f : [ 0 , 1 ] × A B {\displaystyle f\colon [0,1]\times A\to B} the pullback fibrations f 0 ( E ) A {\displaystyle f_{0}^{*}(E)\to A} and f 1 ( E ) A {\displaystyle f_{1}^{*}(E)\to A} are fiber homotopy equivalent.[2]: 406 
  • If the base space B {\displaystyle B} is contractible, then the fibration p : E B {\displaystyle p\colon E\to B} is fiber homotopy equivalent to the product fibration B × F B . {\displaystyle B\times F\to B.} [2]: 406 
  • The pathspace fibration of a fibration p : E B {\displaystyle p\colon E\to B} is very similar to itself. More precisely, the inclusion E E p {\displaystyle E\hookrightarrow E_{p}} is a fiber homotopy equivalence.[2]: 408 
  • For a fibration p : E B {\displaystyle p\colon E\to B} with fiber F {\displaystyle F} and contractible total space, there is a weak homotopy equivalence F Ω B . {\displaystyle F\to \Omega B.} [2]: 408 

Puppe sequence

For a fibration p : E B {\displaystyle p\colon E\to B} with fiber F {\displaystyle F} and base point b 0 B {\displaystyle b_{0}\in B} the inclusion F F p {\displaystyle F\hookrightarrow F_{p}} of the fiber into the homotopy fiber is a homotopy equivalence. The mapping i : F p E {\displaystyle i\colon F_{p}\to E} with i ( e , γ ) = e {\displaystyle i(e,\gamma )=e} , where e E {\displaystyle e\in E} and γ : I B {\displaystyle \gamma \colon I\to B} is a path from p ( e ) {\displaystyle p(e)} to b 0 {\displaystyle b_{0}} in the base space, is a fibration. Specifically it is the pullback fibration of the pathspace fibration P B B {\displaystyle PB\to B} along p {\displaystyle p} . This procedure can now be applied again to the fibration i {\displaystyle i} and so on. This leads to a long sequence:

F j F i j F p i E p B . {\displaystyle \cdots \to F_{j}\to F_{i}\xrightarrow {j} F_{p}\xrightarrow {i} E\xrightarrow {p} B.}

The fiber of i {\displaystyle i} over a point e 0 p 1 ( b 0 ) {\displaystyle e_{0}\in p^{-1}(b_{0})} consists of the pairs ( e 0 , γ ) {\displaystyle (e_{0},\gamma )} where γ {\displaystyle \gamma } is a path from p ( e 0 ) = b 0 {\displaystyle p(e_{0})=b_{0}} to b 0 {\displaystyle b_{0}} , i.e. the loop space Ω B {\displaystyle \Omega B} . The inclusion Ω B F i {\displaystyle \Omega B\hookrightarrow F_{i}} of the fiber of i {\displaystyle i} into the homotopy fiber of i {\displaystyle i} is again a homotopy equivalence and iteration yields the sequence:

Ω 2 B Ω F Ω E Ω B F E B . {\displaystyle \cdots \Omega ^{2}B\to \Omega F\to \Omega E\to \Omega B\to F\to E\to B.}

Due to the duality of fibration and cofibration, there also exists a sequence of cofibrations. These two sequences are known as the Puppe sequences or the sequences of fibrations and cofibrations.[2]: 407-409 

Principal fibration

A fibration p : E B {\displaystyle p\colon E\to B} with fiber F {\displaystyle F} is called principal, if there exists a commutative diagram:

The bottom row is a sequence of fibrations and the vertical mappings are weak homotopy equivalences. Principal fibrations play an important role in Postnikov towers.[2]: 412 

Long exact sequence of homotopy groups

For a Serre fibration p : E B {\displaystyle p\colon E\to B} there exists a long exact sequence of homotopy groups. For base points b 0 B {\displaystyle b_{0}\in B} and x 0 F = p 1 ( b 0 ) {\displaystyle x_{0}\in F=p^{-1}(b_{0})} this is given by:

π n ( F , x 0 ) π n ( E , x 0 ) π n ( B , b 0 ) π n 1 ( F , x 0 ) {\displaystyle \cdots \rightarrow \pi _{n}(F,x_{0})\rightarrow \pi _{n}(E,x_{0})\rightarrow \pi _{n}(B,b_{0})\rightarrow \pi _{n-1}(F,x_{0})\rightarrow } π 0 ( F , x 0 ) π 0 ( E , x 0 ) . {\displaystyle \cdots \rightarrow \pi _{0}(F,x_{0})\rightarrow \pi _{0}(E,x_{0}).}

The homomorphisms π n ( F , x 0 ) π n ( E , x 0 ) {\displaystyle \pi _{n}(F,x_{0})\rightarrow \pi _{n}(E,x_{0})} and π n ( E , x 0 ) π n ( B , b 0 ) {\displaystyle \pi _{n}(E,x_{0})\rightarrow \pi _{n}(B,b_{0})} are the induced homomorphisms of the inclusion i : F E {\displaystyle i\colon F\hookrightarrow E} and the projection p : E B . {\displaystyle p\colon E\rightarrow B.} [2]: 376 

Hopf fibration

Hopf fibrations are a family of fiber bundles whose fiber, total space and base space are spheres:

S 0 S 1 S 1 , {\displaystyle S^{0}\hookrightarrow S^{1}\rightarrow S^{1},}

S 1 S 3 S 2 , {\displaystyle S^{1}\hookrightarrow S^{3}\rightarrow S^{2},}

S 3 S 7 S 4 , {\displaystyle S^{3}\hookrightarrow S^{7}\rightarrow S^{4},}

S 7 S 15 S 8 . {\displaystyle S^{7}\hookrightarrow S^{15}\rightarrow S^{8}.}

The long exact sequence of homotopy groups of the hopf fibration S 1 S 3 S 2 {\displaystyle S^{1}\hookrightarrow S^{3}\rightarrow S^{2}} yields:

π n ( S 1 , x 0 ) π n ( S 3 , x 0 ) π n ( S 2 , b 0 ) π n 1 ( S 1 , x 0 ) {\displaystyle \cdots \rightarrow \pi _{n}(S^{1},x_{0})\rightarrow \pi _{n}(S^{3},x_{0})\rightarrow \pi _{n}(S^{2},b_{0})\rightarrow \pi _{n-1}(S^{1},x_{0})\rightarrow } π 1 ( S 1 , x 0 ) π 1 ( S 3 , x 0 ) π 1 ( S 2 , b 0 ) . {\displaystyle \cdots \rightarrow \pi _{1}(S^{1},x_{0})\rightarrow \pi _{1}(S^{3},x_{0})\rightarrow \pi _{1}(S^{2},b_{0}).}

This sequence splits into short exact sequences, as the fiber S 1 {\displaystyle S^{1}} in S 3 {\displaystyle S^{3}} is contractible to a point:

0 π i ( S 3 ) π i ( S 2 ) π i 1 ( S 1 ) 0. {\displaystyle 0\rightarrow \pi _{i}(S^{3})\rightarrow \pi _{i}(S^{2})\rightarrow \pi _{i-1}(S^{1})\rightarrow 0.}

This short exact sequence splits because of the suspension homomorphism ϕ : π i 1 ( S 1 ) π i ( S 2 ) {\displaystyle \phi \colon \pi _{i-1}(S^{1})\to \pi _{i}(S^{2})} and there are isomorphisms:

π i ( S 2 ) π i ( S 3 ) π i 1 ( S 1 ) . {\displaystyle \pi _{i}(S^{2})\cong \pi _{i}(S^{3})\oplus \pi _{i-1}(S^{1}).}

The homotopy groups π i 1 ( S 1 ) {\displaystyle \pi _{i-1}(S^{1})} are trivial for i 3 , {\displaystyle i\geq 3,} so there exist isomorphisms between π i ( S 2 ) {\displaystyle \pi _{i}(S^{2})} and π i ( S 3 ) {\displaystyle \pi _{i}(S^{3})} for i 3. {\displaystyle i\geq 3.}

Analog the fibers S 3 {\displaystyle S^{3}} in S 7 {\displaystyle S^{7}} and S 7 {\displaystyle S^{7}} in S 15 {\displaystyle S^{15}} are contractible to a point. Further the short exact sequences split and there are families of isomorphisms:[6]: 111 

π i ( S 4 ) π i ( S 7 ) π i 1 ( S 3 ) {\displaystyle \pi _{i}(S^{4})\cong \pi _{i}(S^{7})\oplus \pi _{i-1}(S^{3})} and π i ( S 8 ) π i ( S 15 ) π i 1 ( S 7 ) . {\displaystyle \pi _{i}(S^{8})\cong \pi _{i}(S^{15})\oplus \pi _{i-1}(S^{7}).}

Spectral sequence

Spectral sequences are important tools in algebraic topology for computing (co-)homology groups.

The Leray-Serre spectral sequence connects the (co-)homology of the total space and the fiber with the (co-)homology of the base space of a fibration. For a fibration p : E B {\displaystyle p\colon E\to B} with fiber F , {\displaystyle F,} where the base space is a path connected CW-complex, and an additive homology theory G {\displaystyle G_{*}} there exists a spectral sequence:[7]: 242 

H k ( B ; G q ( F ) ) E k , q 2 G k + q ( E ) . {\displaystyle H_{k}(B;G_{q}(F))\cong E_{k,q}^{2}\implies G_{k+q}(E).}

Fibrations do not yield long exact sequences in homology, as they do in homotopy. But under certain conditions, fibrations provide exact sequences in homology. For a fibration p : E B {\displaystyle p\colon E\to B} with fiber F , {\displaystyle F,} where base space and fiber are path connected, the fundamental group π 1 ( B ) {\displaystyle \pi _{1}(B)} acts trivially on H ( F ) {\displaystyle H_{*}(F)} and in addition the conditions H p ( B ) = 0 {\displaystyle H_{p}(B)=0} for 0 < p < m {\displaystyle 0<p<m} and H q ( F ) = 0 {\displaystyle H_{q}(F)=0} for 0 < q < n {\displaystyle 0<q<n} hold, an exact sequence exists (also known under the name Serre exact sequence):

H m + n 1 ( F ) i H m + n 1 ( E ) f H m + n 1 ( B ) τ H m + n 2 ( F ) i f H 1 ( B ) 0. {\displaystyle H_{m+n-1}(F)\xrightarrow {i_{*}} H_{m+n-1}(E)\xrightarrow {f_{*}} H_{m+n-1}(B)\xrightarrow {\tau } H_{m+n-2}(F)\xrightarrow {i^{*}} \cdots \xrightarrow {f_{*}} H_{1}(B)\to 0.} [7]: 250 

This sequence can be used, for example, to prove Hurewicz's theorem or to compute the homology of loopspaces of the form Ω S n : {\displaystyle \Omega S^{n}:} [8]: 162 

H k ( Ω S n ) = { Z q Z : k = q ( n 1 ) 0 otherwise . {\displaystyle H_{k}(\Omega S^{n})={\begin{cases}\mathbb {Z} &\exists q\in \mathbb {Z} \colon k=q(n-1)\\0&{\text{otherwise}}\end{cases}}.}

For the special case of a fibration p : E S n {\displaystyle p\colon E\to S^{n}} where the base space is a n {\displaystyle n} -sphere with fiber F , {\displaystyle F,} there exist exact sequences (also called Wang sequences) for homology and cohomology:[1]: 456 

H q ( F ) i H q ( E ) H q n ( F ) H q 1 ( F ) {\displaystyle \cdots \to H_{q}(F)\xrightarrow {i_{*}} H_{q}(E)\to H_{q-n}(F)\to H_{q-1}(F)\to \cdots } H q ( E ) i H q ( F ) H q n + 1 ( F ) H q + 1 ( E ) {\displaystyle \cdots \to H^{q}(E)\xrightarrow {i^{*}} H^{q}(F)\to H^{q-n+1}(F)\to H^{q+1}(E)\to \cdots }


For a fibration p : E B {\displaystyle p\colon E\to B} with fiber F {\displaystyle F} and a fixed commutative ring R {\displaystyle R} with a unit, there exists a contravariant functor from the fundamental groupoid of B {\displaystyle B} to the category of graded R {\displaystyle R} -modules, which assigns to b B {\displaystyle b\in B} the module H ( F b , R ) {\displaystyle H_{*}(F_{b},R)} and to the path class [ ω ] {\displaystyle [\omega ]} the homomorphism h [ ω ] : H ( F ω ( 0 ) , R ) H ( F ω ( 1 ) , R ) , {\displaystyle h[\omega ]_{*}\colon H_{*}(F_{\omega (0)},R)\to H_{*}(F_{\omega (1)},R),} where h [ ω ] {\displaystyle h[\omega ]} is a homotopy class in [ F ω ( 0 ) , F ω ( 1 ) ] . {\displaystyle [F_{\omega (0)},F_{\omega (1)}].}

A fibration is called orientable over R {\displaystyle R} if for any closed path ω {\displaystyle \omega } in B {\displaystyle B} the following holds: h [ ω ] = 1. {\displaystyle h[\omega ]_{*}=1.} [1]: 476 

Euler characteristic

For an orientable fibration p : E B {\displaystyle p\colon E\to B} over the field K {\displaystyle \mathbb {K} } with fiber F {\displaystyle F} and path connected base space, the Euler characteristic of the total space is given by:

χ ( E ) = χ ( B ) χ ( F ) . {\displaystyle \chi (E)=\chi (B)\chi (F).}

Here the Euler characteristics of the base space and the fiber are defined over the field K {\displaystyle \mathbb {K} } .[1]: 481 

See also


  1. ^ a b c d e Spanier, Edwin H. (1966). Algebraic Topology. McGraw-Hill Book Company. ISBN 978-0-387-90646-1.
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n Hatcher, Allen (2001). Algebraic Topology. NY: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-79160-X.
  3. ^ Dold, Albrecht; Thom, René (1958). "Quasifaserungen und Unendliche Symmetrische Produkte". Annals of Mathematics. 67 (2): 239–281. doi:10.2307/1970005. JSTOR 1970005.
  4. ^ a b Laures, Gerd; Szymik, Markus (2014). Grundkurs Topologie (in German) (2nd ed.). Springer Spektrum. doi:10.1007/978-3-662-45953-9. ISBN 978-3-662-45952-2.
  5. ^ May, J.P. (1999). A Concise Course in Algebraic Topology (PDF). University of Chicago Press. ISBN 0-226-51182-0. OCLC 41266205.
  6. ^ Steenrod, Norman (1951). The Topology of Fibre Bundles. Princeton University Press. ISBN 0-691-08055-0.
  7. ^ a b Davis, James F.; Kirk, Paul (1991). Lecture Notes in Algebraic Topology (PDF). Department of Mathematics, Indiana University.
  8. ^ Cohen, Ralph L. (1998). The Topology of Fiber Bundles Lecture Notes (PDF). Stanford University.