Buchholz hydra

Hydra game in mathematical logic

In mathematics, especially mathematical logic, graph theory and number theory, the Buchholz hydra game is a type of hydra game, which is a single-player game based on the idea of chopping pieces off a mathematical tree. The hydra game can be used to generate a rapidly growing function, B H ( n ) {\displaystyle BH(n)} , which eventually dominates all recursive functions that are provably total in " ID ν {\displaystyle {\textrm {ID}}_{\nu }} ", and the termination of all hydra games is not provably total in ( Π 1 1 -CA)+BI {\displaystyle {\textrm {(}}\Pi _{1}^{1}{\textrm {-CA)+BI}}} .[1]


The game is played on a hydra, a finite, rooted connected tree A {\displaystyle A} , with the following properties:

  • The root of A {\displaystyle A} has a special label, usually denoted + {\displaystyle +} .
  • Any other node of A {\displaystyle A} has a label ν ω {\displaystyle \nu \leq \omega } .
  • All nodes directly above the root of A {\displaystyle A} have a label 0 {\displaystyle 0} .

If the player decides to remove the top node σ {\displaystyle \sigma } of A {\displaystyle A} , the hydra will then choose an arbitrary n N {\displaystyle n\in \mathbb {N} } , where n {\displaystyle n} is a current turn number, and then transform itself into a new hydra A ( σ , n ) {\displaystyle A(\sigma ,n)} as follows. Let τ {\displaystyle \tau } represent the parent of σ {\displaystyle \sigma } , and let A {\displaystyle A^{-}} represent the part of the hydra which remains after σ {\displaystyle \sigma } has been removed. The definition of A ( σ , n ) {\displaystyle A(\sigma ,n)} depends on the label of σ {\displaystyle \sigma } :

  • If the label of σ {\displaystyle \sigma } is 0 and τ {\displaystyle \tau } is the root of A {\displaystyle A} , then A ( σ , n ) {\displaystyle A(\sigma ,n)} = A {\displaystyle A^{-}} .
  • If the label of σ {\displaystyle \sigma } is 0 but τ {\displaystyle \tau } is not the root of A {\displaystyle A} , n {\displaystyle n} copies of τ {\displaystyle \tau } and all its children are made, and edges between them and τ {\displaystyle \tau } 's parent are added. This new tree is A ( σ , n ) {\displaystyle A(\sigma ,n)} .
  • If the label of σ {\displaystyle \sigma } is u {\displaystyle u} for some u N {\displaystyle u\in \mathbb {N} } , let ε {\displaystyle \varepsilon } be the first node below σ {\displaystyle \sigma } that has a label v < u {\displaystyle v<u} . Define B {\displaystyle B} as the subtree obtained by starting with A ε {\displaystyle A_{\varepsilon }} and replacing the label of ε {\displaystyle \varepsilon } with u 1 {\displaystyle u-1} and σ {\displaystyle \sigma } with 0. A ( σ , n ) {\displaystyle A(\sigma ,n)} is then obtained by taking A {\displaystyle A} and replacing σ {\displaystyle \sigma } with B {\displaystyle B} . In this case, the value of n {\displaystyle n} does not matter.
  • If the label of σ {\displaystyle \sigma } is ω {\displaystyle \omega } , A ( σ , n ) {\displaystyle A(\sigma ,n)} is obtained by replacing the label of σ {\displaystyle \sigma } with n + 1 {\displaystyle n+1} .

If σ {\displaystyle \sigma } is the rightmost head of A {\displaystyle A} , A ( n ) {\displaystyle A(n)} is written. A series of moves is called a strategy. A strategy is called a winning strategy if, after a finite amount of moves, the hydra reduces to its root. This always terminates, even though the hydra can get taller by massive amounts.[1]

Hydra theorem

Buchholz's paper in 1987 showed that the canonical correspondence between a hydra and an infinitary well-founded tree (or the corresponding term in the notation system  T {\displaystyle T} associated to Buchholz's function, which does not necessarily belong to the ordinal notation system O T T {\displaystyle OT\subset T} ), preserves fundamental sequences of choosing the rightmost leaves and the  ( n ) {\displaystyle (n)} operation on an infinitary well-founded tree or the  [ n ] {\displaystyle [n]} operation on the corresponding term in T {\displaystyle T} .[1]

The hydra theorem for Buchholz hydra, stating that there are no losing strategies for any hydra, is unprovable in Π 1 1 C A + B I {\displaystyle {\mathsf {\Pi _{1}^{1}-CA+BI}}} .[2]


Suppose a tree consists of just one branch with x {\displaystyle x}  nodes, labelled + , 0 , ω , . . . , ω {\displaystyle +,0,\omega ,...,\omega } . Call such a tree R n {\displaystyle R^{n}} . It cannot be proven in Π 1 1 C A + B I {\displaystyle {\mathsf {\Pi _{1}^{1}-CA+BI}}}  that for all x {\displaystyle x} , there exists k {\displaystyle k}  such that R x ( 1 ) ( 2 ) ( 3 ) . . . ( k ) {\displaystyle R_{x}(1)(2)(3)...(k)}  is a winning strategy. (The latter expression means taking the tree R x {\displaystyle R_{x}} , then transforming it with n = 1 {\displaystyle n=1} , then n = 2 {\displaystyle n=2} , then n = 3 {\displaystyle n=3} , etc. up to n = k {\displaystyle n=k} .)[2]

Define B H ( x ) {\displaystyle BH(x)}  as the smallest k {\displaystyle k}  such that R x ( 1 ) ( 2 ) ( 3 ) . . . ( k ) {\displaystyle R_{x}(1)(2)(3)...(k)}  as defined above is a winning strategy. By the hydra theorem, this function is well-defined, but its totality cannot be proven in Π 1 1 C A + B I {\displaystyle {\mathsf {\Pi _{1}^{1}-CA+BI}}} . Hydras grow extremely fast, because the amount of turns required to kill R x ( 1 ) ( 2 ) {\displaystyle R_{x}(1)(2)} is larger than Graham's number or even the amount of turns to kill a Kirby-Paris hydra; and R x ( 1 ) ( 2 ) ( 3 ) ( 4 ) ( 5 ) ( 6 ) {\displaystyle R_{x}(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)} has an entire Kirby-Paris hydra as its branch. To be precise, its rate of growth is believed to be comparable to f ψ 0 ( ε Ω ω + 1 ) ( x ) {\displaystyle f_{\psi _{0}(\varepsilon _{\Omega _{\omega }+1})}(x)}  with respect to the unspecified system of fundamental sequences without a proof. Here, ψ 0 {\displaystyle \psi _{0}}  denotes Buchholz's function, and ψ 0 ( ε Ω ω + 1 ) {\displaystyle \psi _{0}(\varepsilon _{\Omega _{\omega }+1})} is the Takeuti-Feferman-Buchholz ordinal which measures the strength of Π 1 1 C A + B I {\displaystyle {\mathsf {\Pi _{1}^{1}-CA+BI}}} .

The first two values of the BH function are virtually degenerate: B H ( 1 ) = 0 {\displaystyle BH(1)=0}  and B H ( 2 ) = 1 {\displaystyle BH(2)=1} . Similarly to the weak tree function, B H ( 3 ) {\displaystyle BH(3)}  is very large, but less so.[citation needed]

The Buchholz hydra eventually surpasses TREE(n) and SCG(n),[citation needed] yet it is likely weaker than loader as well as numbers from finite promise games.


It is possible to make a one-to-one correspondence between some hydras and ordinals. To convert a tree or subtree to an ordinal:

  • Inductively convert all the immediate children of the node to ordinals.
  • Add up those child ordinals. If there were no children, this will be 0.
  • If the label of the node is not +, apply ψ α {\displaystyle \psi _{\alpha }} , where α {\displaystyle \alpha } is the label of the node, and ψ {\displaystyle \psi } is Buchholz's function.

The resulting ordinal expression is only useful if it is in normal form. Some examples are:

Hydra Ordinal
+ {\displaystyle +} 0 {\displaystyle 0}
+ ( 0 ) {\displaystyle +(0)} ψ 0 ( 0 ) = 1 {\displaystyle \psi _{0}(0)=1}
+ ( 0 ) ( 0 ) {\displaystyle +(0)(0)} 2 {\displaystyle 2}
+ ( 0 ( 0 ) ) {\displaystyle +(0(0))} ψ 0 ( 1 ) = ω {\displaystyle \psi _{0}(1)=\omega }
+ ( 0 ( 0 ) ) ( 0 ) {\displaystyle +(0(0))(0)} ω + 1 {\displaystyle \omega +1}
+ ( 0 ( 0 ) ) ( 0 ( 0 ) ) {\displaystyle +(0(0))(0(0))} ω 2 {\displaystyle \omega \cdot 2}
+ ( 0 ( 0 ) ( 0 ) ) {\displaystyle +(0(0)(0))} ω 2 {\displaystyle \omega ^{2}}
+ ( 0 ( 0 ( 0 ) ) ) {\displaystyle +(0(0(0)))} ω ω {\displaystyle \omega ^{\omega }}
+ ( 0 ( 1 ) ) {\displaystyle +(0(1))} ε 0 {\displaystyle \varepsilon _{0}}
+ ( 0 ( 1 ) ( 1 ) ) {\displaystyle +(0(1)(1))} ε 1 {\displaystyle \varepsilon _{1}}
+ ( 0 ( 1 ( 0 ) ) ) {\displaystyle +(0(1(0)))} ε ω {\displaystyle \varepsilon _{\omega }}
+ ( 0 ( 1 ( 1 ) ) ) {\displaystyle +(0(1(1)))} ζ 0 {\displaystyle \zeta _{0}}
+ ( 0 ( 1 ( 1 ( 1 ) ) ) ) {\displaystyle +(0(1(1(1))))} Γ 0 {\displaystyle \Gamma _{0}}
+ ( 0 ( 1 ( 1 ( 1 ( 0 ) ) ) ) ) {\displaystyle +(0(1(1(1(0)))))} SVO
+ ( 0 ( 1 ( 1 ( 1 ( 1 ) ) ) ) ) {\displaystyle +(0(1(1(1(1)))))} LVO
+ ( 0 ( 2 ) ) {\displaystyle +(0(2))} BHO
+ ( 0 ( ω ) ) {\displaystyle +(0(\omega ))} BO


  1. ^ a b c Buchholz, Wilfried (1987), "An independence result for ( Π 1 1 -CA ) + BI {\displaystyle (\Pi _{1}^{1}{\text{-CA}})+{\text{BI}}} ", Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 33 (2): 131–155, doi:10.1016/0168-0072(87)90078-9, MR 0874022
  2. ^ a b Hamano, Masahiro; Okada, Mitsuhiro (1997), "A direct independence proof of Buchholz's Hydra game on finite labeled trees", Archive for Mathematical Logic, 37 (2): 67–89, doi:10.1007/s001530050084, MR 1620664

Further reading

  • Hamano, Masahiro; Okada, Mitsuhiro (1997), "A relationship among Gentzen's proof-reduction, Kirby–Paris' hydra game and Buchholz's hydra game", Mathematical Logic Quarterly, 43 (1): 103–120, doi:10.1002/malq.19970430113, MR 1429324
  • Gordeev, Lev (December 2001), "Review of 'A direct independence proof of Buchholz's Hydra game on finite labeled trees'", Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, 7 (4): 534–535, doi:10.2307/2687805, ISSN 1079-8986, JSTOR 2687805
  • Kirby, Laurie; Paris, Jeff (1982), "Accessible independence results for Peano Arithmetic" (PDF), Bull. London Math. Soc., 14 (4): 285–293, doi:10.1112/blms/14.4.285, retrieved 2021-09-03
  • Ketonen, Jussi; Solovay, Robert (1981), "Rapidly growing Ramsey functions", Annals of Mathematics, 113 (2): 267–314, doi:10.2307/2006985, ISSN 0003-486X, JSTOR 2006985, retrieved 2021-09-03
  • Takeuti, Gaisi (2013), Proof theory (2nd edition (reprint) ed.), Newburyport: Dover Publications, ISBN 978-0-486-32067-0, OCLC 1162507470
  • "Hydras", Agnijo's mathematical treasure chest, retrieved 2021-09-04

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  • e
Large numbers