
In formal methods of computer science, an apomorphism (from ἀπό — Greek for "apart") is the categorical dual of a paramorphism and an extension of the concept of anamorphism (coinduction). Whereas a paramorphism models primitive recursion over an inductive data type, an apomorphism models primitive corecursion over a coinductive data type.


The term "apomorphism" was introduced in Functional Programming with Apomorphisms (Corecursion).[1]

See also

  • Morphism
  • Morphisms of F-algebras
    • From an initial algebra to an algebra: Catamorphism
    • From a coalgebra to a final coalgebra: Anamorphism
    • An anamorphism followed by an catamorphism: Hylomorphism
    • Extension of the idea of catamorphisms: Paramorphism


  1. ^ Vene, Varmo; Uustalu, Tarmo (1998), "Functional Programming with Apomorphisms (Corecursion)", Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences: Physics, Mathematics, 47 (3): 147–161

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  • e