Internationaler Tag der Familie

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Der Internationale Tag der Familie ist ein offizieller Gedenktag der Vereinten Nationen. Er findet jährlich am 15. Mai statt.


Er wurde 1993 durch die Entschließung RES/47/237 eingeführt. Alljährlich macht der Generalsekretär der UN auf das jeweilige geltende Motto aufmerksam. Dieses lautete ab 1996:[1]

  • 2024 – Families and Climate Change – International Year of the Family + 30
  • 2023 – Families and Demographic Change
  • 2022 – Families and Urbanization
  • 2021 – Families and New Technologies
  • 2020 – Families in Development: Copenhagen & Beijing + 25
  • 2019 – Families and Climate Action: Focus on SDG13
  • 2018 – Families and inclusive societies
  • 2017 – Families, education and well-being
  • 2016 – Families, healthy lives and sustainable future
  • 2015 – Men in charge? Gender equality and children’s rights in contemporary families
  • 2014 – Families Matter for the Achievement of Development Goals; International Year of the Family + 20
  • 2013 – Advancing Social Integration and Intergenerational Solidarity
  • 2012 – Ensuring work family balance
  • 2011 – Confronting Family Poverty and Social Exclusion
  • 2010 – The impact of migration on families around the world
  • 2009 – Mothers and Families: Challenges in a Changing World
  • 2008 – Fathers and Families: Responsibilities and Challenges
  • 2007 – Families and Persons with Disabilities
  • 2006 – Changing Families: Challenges and Opportunities
  • 2005 – HIV/AIDS and Family Well-being
  • 2004 – The Tenth Anniversary of the International Year of the Family: A Framework for Action
  • 2003 – Preparations for the observance of the Tenth Anniversary of the International Year of the Family in 2004
  • 2002 – Families and Ageing: Opportunities and Challenges
  • 2001 – Families and Volunteers: Building Social Cohesion
  • 2000 – Families: Agents and Beneficiaries of Development
  • 1999 – Families for all ages
  • 1998 – Families: Educators and Providers of Human Rights
  • 1997 – Building Families Based on Partnership
  • 1996 – Families: First Victims of Poverty and Homelessness

Siehe auch

  • Family Day
  • Deutsche Übersetzung der Entschließung RES/47/237 (PDF; 619 kB)

